Dogs are prone to a number of common health ailments and busy pet parents sometimes have a hard time identifying the problem. Here is a handy guide to seven of the most common health issues faced by dogs and how to spot them.

Skin problems

dog skin


These can range from minor skin irritation to severe allergy caused by chemicals in pet care products, certain foods, or a pest infestation. Itchy, red, or flaky skin is a sign that your dog is struggling with a skin problem that needs your urgent attention. Your pet will frequently try to scratch or lick the affected area to relieve itching or irritation.

Take you dog to the vet at the earliest for a proper diagnosis to avoid the problem from escalating.

Ear problems

dog ear

Ear infections are common in pets and can be really painful. If you catch your dog shaking their head or scratching the ear, they might have an ear infection. Other symptoms include a watery discharge from the ear.

If you suspect that your pet has an infected ear, take them to the vet as soon as possible. Clean your pet’s ears regularly to avoid bacterial growth from dirt and debris.

Diarrhea and vomiting

Dog vomiting

Both diarrhea and vomiting generally signal an upset stomach or a  stomach infection that will most likely go away on its own; however, if the problem persists, take your pet to the vet to avoid dehydration and to rule out any other underlying health condition.

Sometimes a common ailment can be a symptom of a bigger problem. Remember to get your pet timely preventive treatment so that any major health issue can be nipped in the bud.

Dental problems

dog tooth

Dental problems can be hard to identify, particularly if you’re not regular with your dog’s health check-ups. Bad breath is an obvious sign that your pet is suffering from dental disease and should not be ignored under any circumstances. It is a sign of plaque buildup, which can cause irreversible damage to your pet’s teeth. Additionally, the bacteria in tartar and plaque can enter the pet’s blood and cause severe damage to vital organs.

These days you can purchase off-the-shelf pet treats that have active ingredients that boost oral health by removing plaque and fighting bacterial growth. Aside from this, take your dog for regular dental checks without fail.


Dog Overweight

With so many different delicious pet treats available today, pet parents love to indulge their furry friends with all kinds of foods, often ignoring the nutritional value and fat content of these foods. Giving your pet a healthy, low-fat diet that is a combination of homemade and store-bought foods is essential for their long-term health.

Overweight dogs and cats are prone to a number of serious health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and heart problems. Obesity is easily preventable if you watch your pet’s diet right from the start when they are a pup and are still developing food and taste preferences.

Also ensure that your pet gets adequate exercise every day. Playing with your dog if you don’t have time to take them for a long stroll is a great way to incorporate physical activity into their everyday routine.

Flea or tick infestation

Dogs Flea

Fleas and ticks are prevalent in the United States throughout the year. Detecting a flea or tick infection is easy: check your pet’s coat thoroughly with your hands and if you find any black or brown spots or bumps, those may be parasites that need to be eliminated using an effective pest control product suited to your pet.

If you pet has been diagnosed with a flea infestation, check out the website of a high-quality pest control brand for detailed information on the product’s ingredients and usage. The type of flea control product you need to buy depends on the species of your pet and their age, weight and general health.

If you have a cat and a dog, remember that you cannot use the same flea control product on both.


dog poisning


Pets can ingest all kinds of things, some of which can cause a serious toxic reaction requiring emergency medical attention. Remember that it’s not only odd substances that can cause poisoning; certain foods, plants, chemicals in cheap pet-care products and some medicines can also cause toxicity in your pet.

Visit the vet if you suspect your pet has been exposed to a toxic substance. Learn about human foods, plants and medicines that are toxic to dogs and keep your pet’s surroundings free of these substances.

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