Making your own labels can be really fun, but there’s a lot more to think about when you actually get started. Certainly, when you take into consideration the purpose of a label, it could just be for your own use at home, however, more commonly, labels are used for marketing purposes and consumer information so they need to make an impact. Here’s how to make the maximum impact whilst using a variety of different labels for your business;

Making your own product labels

Probably the most widely used kind of label, product labels are used for pretty much everything you use from food to printer ink and, depending upon what your product is, will determine what needs to be included on the label. Typically, though, product labels should include your brand, the type of product, the contents and the benefits as well as the ingredients and any safety information such as use-by dates or words of warning in case your product contains any potentially dangerous ingredients.

Numerous studies show that packaging and labels can, sometimes, be more important than the contents themselves, after all, what’s the first thing the consumer will see? If you get it right when it comes to your product labeling then your product could be the next bestseller.

Making packaging stickers/labels

If you need to ship your products from one place to another, then you should get some printable sticker paper so that you can add some packaging stickers/labels, they aren’t a requirement however, they can make all the difference. Imagine the difference it would make, anybody who sees your package is going to see your logo/branding if it stands out enough. Additionally, it’s those little extra touches that can elevate a customer’s experience from good to excellent.

Making your own address labels

When it comes to sending your products or goods out to suppliers, dealers, or customers it can be difficult to maintain a professional image if the addresses aren’t correct, or the labels aren’t uniform. When you design your own labels, it adds a personal touch, a bit of class and, it makes your life a whole load easier.

Clear and understandable

Think carefully about the entire point of your label, and put yourself in the eyes of one of your customers, what do they need to see? Whether you are working from a corporate office or from home, you could produce or buy the most attractive label that anybody has ever seen, but it will be pretty pointless if it’s not easily readable.

There will be times where you have to use fine print, which is absolutely understandable and expected, however, it still must be readable, some fonts that people choose to look really fancy, but you’d have no idea what the words say which is a waste of everybody’s time.

Sticker Paper

Making your own name labels

No matter the occasion, name labels are always useful, especially at something like a networking event or for your front-of-house employees. Knowing somebody’s name is really important, it makes the service that much more personal and adds another layer of professionalism to your overall package.

Be smart when it comes to fonts

The importance of the fonts you use should never be underestimated; you might need to employ somebody to help with this kind of level of detail as it is a sweet science. You must know what fonts are the best to use, which catch people’s eye more easily or, which fonts encourage a feeling of well-being.

Do bear in mind that some people will be completely put off by a particular font, whereas others will warm to it, you’re your audience, and make sure you take everything into consideration such as the thickness and the style.

Use your branding where it counts

Whichever kind of label you are printing out, you don’t want to forget your logo and branding for a number of reasons, mainly because it’s another chance to showcase your branding logo but also it comes back to the matter of professionalism. Use any chance you can to stamp your mark, letting people know who you are and what you’re all about.

Make it look pretty

No matter how ‘corporate’ your label is, it should look good and have some form of decoration, in addition to the other important features, your choice of decoration is super important. You won’t want to come across too ‘bland’ or, too ‘unprofessional’ so you should take your time to ‘play around’ with different decorative features so that you make a maximum impact when your goods land in front of somebody.

You don’t need to fill the entire label

In the graphic design world, there’s a term called “white space” and it’s really important when it comes to labeling because if there is no “white space” your label will look messy, and hard to distinguish between the branding and the message you are trying to convey.

Every part of your label must have “white space” around the different elements in order for it to be properly effective. Have a look at something like YouTube for some extra guidance as to why it’s so important and the different types of layouts you could choose.

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