Small business owners sometimes have the most difficult time getting noticed. Competing with the marketing dollars of a large organization can be difficult, but standing out is possible. Using personalization tactics is a great way to connect with your customers. You can apply a number of online and offline tactics, such as the following, to help your small business stand out from the crowd.

Provide Amazing Customer Service 

Naturally, any customer will say something similar when describing their favorite company: They receive amazing customer service. Think about what type of service you would prefer to receive and make a point of instilling this level of service into your business practices. To prove this point, consider that 56% of millennials say they have switched brands because of concerns with customer service.

Write Handwritten Letters to Your Customers 

As a small business, you have the opportunity to connect with your customers more personally than big businesses can.  A customer appreciation letter sent with every purchase made shows customers how much you appreciate their business. A simple thank-you note is all you need to provide. Alternatively, you can send follow-up letters to your customers asking them for feedback about their experiences. Even if customers don’t respond, they will likely feel valued for being asked.

Showcase Your Company On Social Media

When you want to stand out as a small business, you can up your social media game. The best part about this strategy is that it can either be free or a cost-effective approach. Start by sharing photographs of your products, your store, or your employees. Putting a personality behind your brand can go a long way. If you want to start advertising for your business, you can advertise for as little as $5 on Facebook and target people who live near you. Don’t forget to answer customer questions when they contact you through social media.

Small Business

Make Sure You Can Be Found Online 

While you may have to hire an outside source to help you gain a digital following if you aren’t tech-savvy, making sure that people can find you online is important. In a digital world, people first look to search engines or conduct a search using maps. Hire someone who can make sure that your business appears in local searches. You’ll also want to make sure that your website is optimized for SEO keywords.

Start a Blog 

Starting a blog is another way to stand out as a small business. A blog will help to showcase your expertise and attract customers who may not have been able to find you through other means. Write about topics related to your products and services without being too sales directed. For example, a small gardening store could write blogs about preparing a garden for the winter or the latest gardening trends.

Standing out from the crowd as a small business is not an easy task, but you can achieve this goal. You don’t have to take on all the ideas presented here. Pick one or two that suit your style and try them out. What strategies will you implement to call attention to your business?

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