Restaurants always need to have enough supplies for their primary ingredients. Whether these are used for appetizers, main dishes, or desserts, running out of supplies and menu offerings to serve is simply unacceptable in the foodservice industry.

Purchasing ingredients in bulk is an excellent way to avoid running out of food to serve in your restaurant. By always having enough supplies at hand, you will be able to satisfy your diners all the time. When your customers are pleased with their orders and service, you will encourage them to return. They will have positive reviews about your establishment as well.


With a large number of returning customers and new ones coming in, your restaurant will enjoy success financially and popularity-wise.

Purchasing and Storing Meat in Bulk

Meat, such as beef, chicken, lamb, and seafood, unfortunately, are not the easiest ingredients to buy in bulk. They do not have long expiration dates, which means they need to be used as soon as possible. Additionally, storing them incorrectly will affect their quality, which can result in substandard dishes and even ones that are unsafe to eat.

Leading meat suppliers in Dubai, however, say that buying beef and other types of protein in bulk is still a smart strategy for restaurant owners. By following this tip, you will always have enough supply of this key ingredient. You will save money when purchasing this product wholesale as well.

But to experience these benefits, you need to follow the right steps for buying and storing meat in bulk. Here are some tips for doing so:

1. Find a reputable supplier

Start by looking for a distributor or shop that sells wholesale meat that has a good, clean record.  Buy from a supplier that is well-known for having good-quality products and a variety of types and cuts to choose from. They should also have an excellent reputation for selling fresh produce at reasonable prices.

You can get a good idea about the reputation of a meat supplier by reading reviews and testimonials about them online.

Since you need this ingredient regularly, it is best to choose a local wholesale meat supplier that offers delivery services. By doing so, you can get the products you need immediately upon ordering them.

2. Know which types and cuts you use in your restaurant

Although you are familiar with all the items on your menu, you should be 100 percent certain of the kinds and cuts of protein you need to stock up on. Ordering the wrong products can cause you a huge headache and even loss of money.


Create a list of the meat products you serve and use in your restaurant. If you have steak on your menu, make sure you have enough stock of the different cuts you offer, such as striploin, tenderloin, and T-bone. Do the same for the other types of protein you use in your dishes.

A POS system will make it easier for you to keep track of the meat products you need in your restaurant since it will help you manage your inventory better.

Moreover, with the right software, you can program it to replenish your supplies automatically. When you are running low on a particular cut, the system will order it for you. This means you will always have a stock of meat products even without opening the freezer daily.

3. Check each product carefully

Once your products have been delivered, perform some basic checks to be sure that you are getting good quality meat.

Here are some tips for checking packaged meat:

  • Read the pack date. Make sure you will be able to use it before it its expiration.
  • Check the overall color of the meat. It should be clear but have a deep red hue.
  • Look for gray or brown bits on the edges of the meat. This indicates poor storage and refrigeration.
  • Check for marbling. This part of the meat gives the steak more flavor and makes it juicier.

4. Store meat properly

To ensure you never waste money on your meat products and that they retain their freshness, store them properly.

Having the right freezer is a good start for storing meat correctly. Here are additional tips for doing this properly:

  • Implement the First In, First Out rule. To use all proteins before their expiration dates, place newly delivered products at the back or bottom of your meat freezer and move the remaining items in front or at the top.
  • Cut or portion large sizes of meat into meal proportions. This will help the chefs or cooks save time in thawing and preparing menu items.
  • Pre-cut meat that will be used as additional ingredients such as stews and stir-fried dishes before freezing them. This will also speed up prep and cooking time during service.
  • The ideal temperature for frozen meat is 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below. As such, make sure the freezer stays at this temperature.
  • Re-wrap unused portions of meat using plastic wrap. Seal it properly and use it as soon as possible; avoid storing it again for a long period.
  • Discard proteins that have been stored for a long time and has a strong odor when you unpack it. Do the same for meat cuts that have a gray or brown tinge when thawed.

Buying meat in bulk will save your restaurant time and money. However, make sure the products you purchase are of the best quality and that you store them properly to avoid wasting food and your outlay for purchasing these important ingredients.

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