Technology has hugely transformed the cultural landscape of the modern world. Young or old, technological innovation has created new ways for you to engage with your peers every single day. There is no part of the Earth that technology hasn’t touched, but one area in which technology has had the most profound impact is school and improves education quality.

Below are three ways technology can shape your learning experience throughout high school and college.

You Can Learn Interactively Through Technology

Interactively Through Technology

Thanks to technology, you have the chance to learn in ways you never could before. From virtual reality to 3-D simulations to real-time video of the world around us, you can engage in the curriculum through interactive learning not available to previous generations. For example, you might be able to input stimulus into a virtual environment to watch how it affects virtual renditions of plants and wildlife, study geography through software like Google Maps, or chart real-time graphs that respond to changes in a mathematical formula to gain a better understanding of the logic behind it.

The addition of video, audio, simulation, and modeling in schools also allows teachers to help more students understand lessons right off the bat. By utilizing technology in education, teachers can stimulate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners all at once, ensuring that all students absorb and retain their lessons equally.

You Learn Through Modern and Relevant Sources

Textbooks are expensive, and they quickly become outdated—especially in fields booming with innovation and scientific discovery. The use of technology in education allows students and teachers alike to keep up with the times, freeing everyone from old books that can’t keep up with current news.

How many times have you asked yourself why a class is relevant to you or cracked open a textbook only to find the most recent information is from 26 years ago? Students learn more effectively when the course curriculum is relevant, so the use of modern news sources and current events can go a long way in keeping students engaged. When you believe what you’re learning is meaningful and relevant, you’re more likely to apply yourself to it.

You Have Greater Access to Independent Study

Independent Study

When students are left behind in the classroom, it can be a challenge to catch back up again. Short of attending after-hours lectures and tutoring, students used to have limited resources outside of school. Technology has changed that, allowing students to pursue supplemental educational sources at the click of a mouse.

Students struggling in their classes can attend online tutoring, connect with other students, or research school curriculum on their own with their home computers. Students who are interested in pursuing additional knowledge because a lesson captured their interest can seek out continuing education on the subject in their own time. Modern students have more power than ever to take responsibility for their education outside of the classroom.

The technology of today looks nothing like the technology of yesterday, and the technology of tomorrow will look nothing like the technology of today. While you’re still in school, embrace technology in your classes, so you can learn more effectively and set yourself up for your future.


An article by the team at Math Genie.

Shay Fleming is a writer and content coordinator for a number of businesses across the United States. She studied Digital Media Innovation at Texas State University and writes about the importance of technology and digital innovation, digital adaptation, and accessibility in technological innovation.

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