The pandemic is in one of its most lethal stages. Although some countries have started to show signs of stronger immune system response and, hence, a decline in new cases; the threat of getting infected and suffering severe repercussions still looms at large. On the bright side, this virus only spreads via social interaction. If you do not come into contact with another person carrying the virus, you will not get infected. However, we all have to go outside and meet people to fulfil our responsibilities and function as a society. Therefore, we have decided to outline all the necessary precautions you need to go about your day while safeguarding yourself against the coronavirus. Keep in mind that although younger people have nothing to fear as the virus has a near 0% mortality rate with young and healthy people, it is still advised to follow the below measures as you may become a carrier for the virus and potentially infect other people who may have more severe repercussions.

Covid-19 pandemic

Maintain a safe distance or use some protective barrier: Sneeze Guard

Sneeze Guard

In continuation of what we stated earlier, maintaining a safe distance means not coming into contact with the virus which is about the most effective way to protect yourself. A distance of 5-6 meters is recommended. However, if you need to get closer, to buy groceries or meet your colleague, for instance, then make sure there is a barrier between you and the other person. Similar to glass windows in banks, there are glass shields designed to provide an impermeable barrier between two parties. You can already see these sneeze guards installed in supermarkets, offices, local stores, and schools. You can get great deals on sneeze guards at Fab Glass and Mirror.

Wear a facemask outside at all times


Facemasks are effective weapons against the spread of the coronavirus. These not only filter the air that is going in, but also block airborne diseases that you may possess from getting out. A very useful two-way barrier to wear while venturing outside. They may stamp your style, but at the end of the day, these facemasks can save your life and the life of everyone around you. Regularly wash your facemask to maintain its effectiveness and cleaning.

Wash your hands regularly

Wash your hands

Our hands are constantly coming into contact with all sorts of objects. Therefore, they have the highest chance of encountering something or someone who is infected with the virus. Antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers can remove all harmful viruses and bacteria from your hands. Make sure to wash them regularly and especially after arriving from outside or before eating food. For added security, wear plastic gloves before going outside and discard/wash those gloves as soon as you come back.

Keep up with the latest developments from WHO

latest developments

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been working tirelessly with countries all across the globe to protect humanity from this pandemic and is doing its best to relay information to all concerned parties especially to countries most affected by it. Keep in touch with the latest developments in the pandemic and any new techniques that may prove useful in the fight against COVID-19. You can find information regarding the pandemic on their website or their social media pages. The sooner you find out about advancements and new safety measures, the sooner you can adapt!

Stay Home: Avoid unnecessary outside visit unless it’s unavoidable

Stay Home

The best method by far is to simply stay at home. If you never step foot outside; you never come into contact with the virus. Try to order essential items such as groceries, food, medical supplies and other stuff online. Sanitize everything before it enters the house with antibacterial spray. Work from home if you can and avoid going to social gatherings even if you are fairly certain nobody has the virus. It is highly recommended to stay inside if you are experiencing any symptoms. Even if it is just a cough, it is better to stay at home and seek medical care via a phone call or a website. Many countries have set up helplines you can call if you or anyone you know is experiencing symptoms. Get in touch with the right authorities and get checked before you go outside.

This virus has brought many obstacles and scary challenges. We have lost many good people and may lose many more. However, this pandemic has also revealed how good we are at working together to stop the spread of the coronavirus. It has brought harmony among communities and even entire countries. All of humanity is collaborating to stem this threat in one way or another. Either by researching a cure, helping the affected or just putting smiles on faces in these trying times. Do your part by following the above precautions and keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

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