Going to university is an exciting moment for sure. There are always unknowns and it’s kind of the start of a new life for you.

But before you focus on the studies, and even before you are accepted in your future alma mater of choice, there are things that you need to do. Some of them are fun, other of them you just have to get out of the way, and some can even help you with getting in the university you want.

So, let’s go over six things that everyone should do before going to university or college.

Consult with a college admission expert

Let’s kick the list off with the thing that you’d want to do before you get into university, and that’s to consult with a college admission expert.

As someone who’s been studying hard, you’d want to maximize your chances to get into university. That’s when a college admission expert can help you with everything, from helping with letters to acing your SATs and even helping you with preparing the needed documents and your application.

While there’s a lot of information online and on forums, we’d advise with sticking with professionals like Going Ivy. You can see more information on college admission and preparation on their website.

Visit your university before your semester starts

Once you’re already accepted, you’d want to get to know the place where you’ll spend the next four years of your life, so why don’t you spend a day at your university campus?

Hit the road, book an Airbnb and go check out the buildings on your campus and get familiar with the layout. It can be of tremendous help, especially on your first day of the university that’s in just a couple of months.

And get familiar with the local town

While you’re there, use the time to get familiar with the town. As a fresher, there’s no way you won’t go to a party, or a club, especially in the first week there, so use the time to get familiar with the town.

This can be especially helpful when you have to know your way around town, so get exploring while you’re there.


Join your uni freshers group

Every university has a freshers group on Facebook. It’s a super-easy way to stay updated on things that will be important to you, especially on your first days and weeks there.

So, just go to the official page of your university and there should be a link to the group. If you don’t find it there, feel free to shoot them a quick message on messenger.

Get familiar with the first week’s schedule

In the Facebook group, you should be able to find your first week’s schedule. If it’s not there, then make sure you check your email and the spam folder.

Get familiar and ideally put into your calendar app of choice to make sure you aren’t late and you don’t miss something.

And most importantly, learn to cook some basic meals

You’ll be pretty busy at university, so use the summer to teach yourself how to cook some basic meals.

Make sure to experiment and find out what you like, because you’ll be time-squeezed most of the days, so noodles, pasta, and pizza will be your best friends.

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