Before construction workers begin the construction project, they set up the scaffolding. The Scaffold is that structure that resembles a skeleton and encompasses a construction project in progress. Unlike the final building itself, the Scaffold is temporary, but its momentary presence does not imply its insignificance. Workers use scaffolding to elevate themselves so they can work safely in heights and efficiently as they can freely walk and access hard-to-reach spots.


It’s the Law

Although the scaffolding is temporary, it does not mean that it is something to which you can turn a blind eye. Workers’ safety is paramount, and keeping construction workers safe is one of the main purposes of a scaffold. Thus, some laws mandate the use of scaffolding. If there is a risk of falling from more than four metres, be a person or an object, the Work Health and Safety Regulations mandate that you must have scaffolding. Regardless of the height, if you have a construction firm, ensuring worker safety is your responsibility. A fall from two metres can still cause a sprain.


Moreover, you must also have a licence if you are to set up scaffolding. Those in the scaffolding business receive training that is different from what the common construction worker gets. They are also the only ones qualified to transport, handle, assemble, and eventually disassemble the scaffolding once the project is done. Think of scaffolding as a complicated puzzle of planks, stairways, ladders, couplers, and many more. Some people already struggle with a regular jigsaw puzzle. Imagine how much more daunting assembling that puzzle is when worker lives are on the line.

Choosing the Right Scaffolding Company

With such practical and legal importance in scaffolding, it is imperative to choose the right scaffolding company to work. Depending on your project, you can hire or buy the scaffolds. If the project is short-term, say a few months, hiring is a viable option. If the project is a commercial building that will take at least a year to accomplish, buying may be the better option. When you buy scaffolding, you also take on the responsibilities of the company. Thus, you need personnel with the legal qualifications to handle scaffolding. Buying also implies you have the human and material resources to transport, handle, and maintain it.

Whatever your choice may be, the Scaffold company should assist you throughout the way. They will also determine the ideal scaffolding that you can use for your particular project. The things they consider include the material, such as aluminium or fibreglass, the dimensions, parts, and more. For example, if you are doing a low-rise residential home, then perhaps a mobile scaffolding will suffice. For a more complex project, a modular scaffold system may be more convenient.

Construction is one of the most hazardous jobs. In Australia, sprains and strains are the second most common work-related injuries in construction, accounting for 21% of all injuries. The top 3 reasons for these injuries are hitting or getting hit by an object, lifting objects, and falling. These three combinedly account for 76% of all injuries. Proper scaffolding can prevent such injuries and incidents. With careful scaffold planning, not only can you abide by the law, but you can also prevent workers from getting hurt in your construction project.

Author Bio:

Sylvia James is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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