Having a full-time job on its own isn’t easy but having a full-time job and a family to take care of is a lot harder. This infographic from HappyCleans takes you through some great apps for parents who have the unenviable task of coming home after a long day to do a variety of household tasks.


One issue many working parents is that they often arrive home to a sink full of dishes, empty packets everywhere, and school uniforms on the floor. It is often the sole reasonability of a working parent to do all of these tasks and no one else in the family contributes. Apps such as Chroma might be able to help you here as it turns household tasks into a bit of a competition. Everyone in the family claims chores and they earn points for getting them done. Kids can be surprisingly competitive and when you turn something into a competition you’d be surprised at the change in them.

Even when working parents get a holiday from work, organizing the family holiday can be a stress in itself. Apps such as TripCase can help you here as it lets you consolidate all the information about your holiday on one app. Find out more in the infographic.

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