Maths is key for developing analytical, reasoning, and problem-solving skills, which is precisely why its importance is stressed upon starting at a very early age. Students are asked to pay complete attention to it starting from lower grades, and rightfully so. Having a solid foundation in the subject is crucial, as it is incorporated in various different subjects, and also holds significant importance in our day-to-day lives. 

Today, we are discussing class 8th maths. The syllabus of class 8th maths is quite interesting, and at the same time very scoring. However, what several students struggle with is memorizing formulas. Remembering formulas keep many of us sleepless at night, and they ultimately vanish from our memories the very next day. Well, don’t fret, as this happens with nearly everyone. After all, there are a bazillion formulas to memorize, which can easily lead to some confusion. However, with a few tips and tricks, one can easily remember formulas in class 8th. 

As such, check out these awesome ways to remember formulas, and keep them retained for long! 

Have Proper Interest In The Subject

You can never achieve mastery in a subject if you do not have an interest in it. As such, all students are required to be interested in this subject, in order to get a better grasp of it. If you find this subject too difficult to grasp, try relating it to the things around you. Maths is everywhere. Look around, and you will come across various things that are based on what you have learned in the class. Whether it’s basic calculations at the Kirana store, tailor taking measurements for your clothes, or splitting a bill in half, everything involves maths. Noticing these details will help you significantly in developing an interest in this subject.

Write Formulas Again & Again & Again… 

If you write something over and over again, it eventually gets affixed in your memory. As such, make a list of formulas, memorize them, and write them over and over again. This will help you retain these formulas for a longer time. 

Maintain A Separate Notebook For Formulas 

Your class 8th syllabus will have a lot of formulas in it. Many formulas aren’t too elaborate and might get lost amidst the plethora of information as you study. As such, it is important that you maintain a separate notebook for logging down the formulas. Note down all the formulas, easy or complicated, in this notebook, and go through them every day. Here are a few tips you can follow:

1. Note these formulas chapter-wise.

2. Write the formulas in a clear manner so there is no confusion later on.

3. Support these formulas with one solved problem, as this will help you during revision.

Connect Formulas To Visual Memory

Now here’s a lesser-known trick. Connect the formulas with visual memory, and think about it in your spare time. Memorizing formulas through visual memories helps in retaining the concepts better, and also helps you in recollecting them much easier later on. Do try this technique, and it will certainly help you! For example, you can draw a diagram, or figure next to your formulas. Or write your formulas down on different colored paper, or highlight them with different colors. This will help you recollect them much more easily.

Understand The Formulas Step By Step 

Another excellent way of remembering formulas, and retaining them for long is by learning the meaning behind them. Break down your formulas in steps, and learn the importance of each step. Deriving the formula will help you understand its roots and concepts, and would give you a better understanding. This will further help you in memorizing and recalling the formula much more easily.

Stick Them On The Wall 

Still, finding it difficult to memorize formulas? Write them down on a piece of paper, or colorful sticky notes, and stick them on a wall, or any other area that you come across frequently. By doing this, you will be able to recall them every time you see them. You can stick them on your study table, bedroom walls, fridge, or anywhere else! 

Practice As Much As You Can

Indulge in various practice questions based on the formulas that you are supposed to memorize, as this will help you in retaining the formulas easily. As such, practice as many questions as you can! 

Take Help Of Reference Material

There are several reference books on the market that can help you in understanding formulas much better. These books come with plenty of examples along with the formulas, that will give you a much better grasp of things. Books like RD Sharma and RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 8 Chapter 10 Ex 10A are the most widely sought-after reference books for class 8th maths and can be incredibly fruitful. 


Keep Distractions At Bay

When you are sitting down to memorize formulas, make sure you keep all distractions at bay. Sit in a quiet room, keep your phone aside, and focus completely on your studies. Also, do not attend calls, or indulge in social media during your study hours. 

Relax Your Mind 

A stressed mind makes it more difficult to retain things. As such, when you are dealing with mathematical formulas, having a clear and relaxed mind is important. As such, make sure your mind is at ease before you sit down to study. Meditate or indulge in some other relaxing activity so you can sit down to study with a clear mind.

We have all struggled with maths formulas at some point. However, if you follow the above-mentioned steps, you will be able to retain formulas for a long time! 

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