Are you building a new home for a client? If so, it is important to present a floor plan to your meets their needs. By presenting your clients with options they’ll truly care about, you’ll not only speed up the process but keep them satisfied throughout the entire process.

Ask the Right Questions

Helping your customer learn more about what they want in a floor plan requires asking some questions. Here are some questions you can ask that will start a productive conversation:

  • Do you like to host parties?
  • Are you planning on growing your family and need extra space?
  • Will you be running your business out of your home?
  • Do you need space for your hobbies?
  • Are you concerned about safety features?
  • What is your potential budget?


Know What Your Client is Looking For

When looking for a suitable floor plan for your customers, be sure to know exactly what they’re looking for. The best way to do this is by asking them to simply list what they are interested in beforehand. By doing this, you’ll make sure that you’re starting from a place that directly caters to their desired goal. Some things to know about what your client is looking for include:

  • Their preferred style or aesthetic
  • Where they would like their furniture to generally be placed
  • If there are any floor plans they’ve seen online that they like
  • The pros and cons of their current living space

Present Several Options

The key to having a successful selection process is to show your customers a variety of different floor plan options. Although you don’t want to overwhelm them with too many choices, it is important to give them several options to choose from. By showing them multiple options at one time, you’ll give them an accurate depiction of what is out there.

Another important thing to remember is that you should highlight the specific benefits of each option. Though these might seem obvious to you as a home designer, they might not be to your customer. You can learn more about floor plans and what is trending.

Make it Visually Appealing

One of the most important steps in the process of presenting floor plans to your client is making them visually appealing. As a home designer, it is your job to communicate with your clients through a visual representation of what their potential home will look like. This can be achieved through high-quality 3D floor plans that are either presented on a screen or on a downloaded high-resolution printout. When showing clients their floor plan options it is important to leave out any unnecessary details (i.e. technical aspects such as wall thickness) and only include what is essential.

A Final Note

It is important to present the best floor plan to meet your clients’ needs. By asking the right questions you will be able to develop the best option for your client. Home designing is not necessarily an easy process. This is why you need to lead your customer through the process, showing them each option and the associated benefits.

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