There are many things in your car which you can do on your own but repairing a car transmission is indeed a tough task. You must have some knowledge about it and then only you will be able to do it. Transmission repair is a tough as well as a fun task at the same time. There are different levels of transmission which is possible to handle with a bit of knowledge about it. If you’re doing it impulsively, then it would make things even worse. Along with proper knowledge, you should also have appropriate tools to do the car transmission on your own. If you are completely unaware of it and taking help of the tutorial videos to do the same, then this post may help you as we are going to talk about all the important things that you need to know about repairing car transmission on you own. Exciting, isn’t it? Let’s begin.

Transmission Repair

The first thing which you need to do is to remove the transmission but make sure that this step requires a lot of attention, doing it carelessly can make things more problematic. The

 transmission basically consist a lot of similar looking parts which if you remove without any proper attention, you can easily get confused in the myriad of  parts that resembles each other a lot; that is why you should remove the transmission parts one by one and keep a track of it so that you know where to put them back. Make sure you remove the entire engine block first and then remove the transmission from the engine. Along with it, you will also need to eradicate torque converter and also the transmission oil pan. Removing the car transmission or the transmission repair may sound very tough or confusing, but if you do all the steps one by one properly, you would be able to do it.

  • If Needed Replace the Part Or Clean

Once the transmission is removed from the engine, two more steps which are cleaning and replacing comes in frame. If transmission parts are broken and need replacement, get the same parts and replace them on their actual place whereas if the parts are dirty, clean them properly and place them back. Make sure that you have proper idea about dismantling and assembling because the half and improper knowledge can be a very exhausting procedure and will result into the failure of the procedure. Along with the knowledge of what parts belongs to what place, you should also have a good idea about what tool would be required for placing the transmission parts back on place. Therefore, before transmission repair, it is very important that you get all the required information about it for the proper repairing.

Transmission Repair

  • Lastly, Place Back the Parts

Once the transmission parts are properly cleaned and bought, replace each part on its place in the transmission. This is the last step of transmission repair which is why you may be in hurry about it, but keep this thing in mind that this is a very important procedure of getting the transmission back into action. If even one part of the transmission is misplaced, it can cause a lot of problem. Therefore, it is very important that you pay attention to the reassembling of the transmission.


The transmission repair may seem very exhausting and tough procedure while doing it on your own but if you get enough knowledge about it, you can do it properly with an ease. You just need to follow the steps which we have provided above and things would be quite easy for you.

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