Summer is a time of holidays and rest. We often have a desire to go on an unforgettable journey. And many people do not want to pay for travel agency services. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to plan your vacation and make a brilliant impression. It’s easy to plan your trip, and you will not have to pay for travel agency services.

You will have the desired vacation with your own preparation. And when you come back from your holidays, you will see that your feelings will easily be highlighted in the UK essays writing.

Route planning

Route planning

To begin with, it’s worth determining where you are going and why?

  • Find out the most about the climate, local customs, the situation in the country, the development of tourism, infrastructure, and attractions. Based on this information, identify the route to location deux roues Nice to the points that have the factors that are necessary for you. This will help you with the scheduling sites. Schedulers are easy to work – in just a couple of minutes, your route will be ready. For this purpose, please indicate the place and duration of your stay. The route can be either within a single city or large-scale within one or more countries. The created plan will include memorials conveniently distributed by day based on geographic location, and time visit. You can also create a custom google map to tailor your trip to the finest details.
  • Another important factor is your budget, which you agree to spend on the trip. There are services that will help you find the best value. Here you can find out about the cost of housing, food, transport, and clothing in the destination country.

Reservation of airline tickets

Reservation of airline tickets

When you decide on the route and dates, you need to buy tickets. They should be taken approximately 45 days before the trip, to this company, put out tickets, taking into account last year’s passenger traffic and the relevance of the flight. Often the ticket price may vary depending on the day of the week. Tickets should be taken in the middle of the week, for morning or night flights, when the workload is minimal. On booking sites, you can see the prices at different periods. Sign up for airline newsletters to receive price declines or promotional offers.

Hotel reservation

Hotel reservation

  • The most popular way to find a home is to book on a special site of the preliminary booking.
  • Be careful when considering the room, take into account its area, check whether there are free Wi-Fi in the room, included in the price of the breakfast, and tax fees. If you feel comfortable while sleeping, check on the map whether it is near the lively roads or other places with high noise.
  • An important point! Be sure to keep a bank card from which you paid for airline tickets and a room in the hotel! Otherwise, all your armor can cancel and call the police.

Collection of documents

Collection of documents

Before visiting a certain country, find out in the embassy the necessary package of documents for entry. Typically, the package consists of the following documents: passport, visa, bank statement, confirmation of reservation, income statement, travel insurance policy, route printouts, and tickets. Some countries require a certificate of vaccination against dangerous diseases.



To protect yourself from most risks, follow these guidelines:

  1. Always make copies of documents and keep them separate from the originals so that they can confirm their identity when lost.
  2. Save document scans in cloud storage.
  3. Do not keep in cash all the money; it is better to let a portion of the amount on a bank card, and others in different pockets or bags.
  4. Do not withdraw money from unknown cash machines in deserted places. Enable SMS-banking.
  5. Record the numbers of your relatives, your bank’s phone, embassy, emergency services electronically and in paper form.

Luggage collection and general travel preparation rules

  • Weigh your luggage – for every extra kilogram you need to pay extra money.
  • On the airline’s websites, there are requirements for baggage weight and prohibitions on the import/export of items.
  • Glue on suitcases your phone number, initials, flight number, so it will be easier to find them.
  • Take pictures of your luggage so you do not waste time describing the lost things.
  • When packing, try not to leave empty spaces, the contents of the bag can be damaged, voids can be filled with a mint newspaper.
  • Make things economically: small things in big ones.
  • Take comfortable clothes that are not wrinkled, are easy to care and are easy to combine.
  • Take universal hygiene remedies. For example, a shampoo that replaces soap, balsam, and powder. Put medicine and necessities in hand luggage.
  • Learn about the types of plug-in sockets used in the country and buy adapters. Take a power bank.
  • Take a regular phone in addition to your smartphone, so you do not have to stay connected.
  • In order not to overpay for roaming – you should get a travel phone card.

That’s all. Happy journey!

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