Bitcoin Exchange Platforms

If you are interested in investing in bitcoin, you need a Bitcoin exchange, because such a platform simplifies the whole process of getting started in the world of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

They act as a middle man between those who want to buy bitcoin and those who are selling it, by allowing you to purchase bitcoin with fiat currencies, i.e. dollars, pounds, euro or any real-world currency.  Once you have acquired the bitcoin, it will then allow you to store your funds there and make transactions online with them.

Ultimately, a Bitcoin exchange is your connection to the crypt-world.

Why You Should Opt for a Bitcoin Exchange

A Bitcoin exchange is the easiest way to buy Bitcoin. Before such exchanges, attempting to buy bitcoin was a more gruelling process which happened in shady places on the internet, where you were never sure if you could trust the person you were buying from.

You can find a detailed review of the best bitcoin exchanges on Cryptimi.

Alternatively, you could have even opted to mine yourself, which took a very long time for very little benefit. A Bitcoin exchange removes this issue, with a reliable and trustworthy service that is very user-friendly.

They allow you to easily transfer money using practically any fiat currency, so whether you are looking to turn EUR to BTC, USD to BTC or GBP to BTC, it can be done with ease at a bitcoin exchange rate.

Another benefit is the best bitcoin exchange platforms will offer you a secure wallet, to store and keep track of your funds and make transactions online all through one provider, adding even more convenience.

Plus, although we have referred to these sites as Bitcoin exchange’s, a cryptocurrency exchange is more fitting, as they offer a whole variety of different cryptocurrencies.

While everyone knows Bitcoin, there are other great cryptos that are a lot cheaper, are on the rise and are well worth investing in. Cryptocurrency exchange platforms can help you learn more about their market history, then let you invest in the same location with ease.

Bitcoin Exchange Platforms

The Top Bitcoin Exchanges Now

The list of top bitcoin exchanges is constantly growing as more and more hit the market, providing exceptional service that is easy to use.

These will all allow you to monitor crypto activities, offer the option to buy and trade bitcoin through their service and make EUR to BTC USD to BTC GBP to BTC transactions. However, the best bitcoin trading platforms for us are:

  • Binance

Despite only being founded in 2017, Binance is now the largest exchange platform in terms of trading volume. It is also the best bitcoin exchange in terms of innovation. There is always news from the Binance camp about expanding their reach in the world of cryptocurrencies. Most recently, the launch of the Binance DEX Exchange. They offer their own native crypto, BHB, and make use of their super-secure Trust Wallet.

  • Coinbase

Coinbase is a much more tried and trusted service, founded in 2012. While it is not as ‘flashy’ as Binance, it delivers in its ease of service around in every aspect. From design to user ability, they make it easy to manage your portfolio, either on their site or on the go via their app. They too are always adding new innovations to make traders lives easier, including very recently, new options for tax simplification.

  • Exmo

launched in 2014, and over the last half decade they have been offering a great user-friendly service. They offer low commissions, round the clock the support, and offer a platform for all varieties of Fiat currency transactions, as well as a secure wallet to store your funds within.

 The benefits of Bitcoin Investment

Bitcoin’s foundations are built on wanting to give users more power over their financial assets and ensure peace of mind knowing your money is safe, secure, and not being traded by bankers recklessly. This remains the intrinsic core belief of all those who invest in Bitcoin.

It has also improved how you make transactions in quickly and safely, online by providing you super-fast, secure and anonymous transactions. It allows you to make transactions wherever, whenever, and good investments at one of the best bitcoin trading platforms can see your funds increase over time.

As it grows in popularity, so does the amount of services you can use it with, so it is also becoming a quintessential tool to both online and real-world transactions. With all this considered, we would advise looking for the best trading platforms for you to today and get started.

You can find a detailed list of the best cryptocurrency exchanges on Cryptimi.

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