If you come up with the idea of organizing a surprise for one of your friends there are a dozen things that you have to pay attention to. It doesn’t matter if we talk about a bachelor party, a birthday party or you just want to celebrate a promotion, there are some base planning rules that you have to keep in mind. Consider this “job” an honor and give it the attention to create a memorable night for your friend.

Some people prefer a relaxed hangout while others want to hit the most crowded events to have fun. Any party can be a blast, whether you stay home or not, as long as you get the right people together with the right attitude and plan something that fits the style of your best bud. Here are some guidelines that can help you and give you some ideas:

 Find out the taste of the person

Doesn’t matter if you plan a bachelor party or a birthday party it’s important to know the taste of that specific person. Always keep in mind that you don’t organize this event to you, it’s for them. For example, if you have 21 Pilots, but it’s your pals best band you go listen to all of their songs, learn them and you should have fun with your buddy.

 Time management

 If you’re the organizer of the whole party make sure you have everything planned and your time management is on point. Even if you plan something big with limusens and flight tickets, make sure you see the whole picture and there are no events or surprises that are overlapping.

This paragraph applies if you plan a bachelor party. Make sure that you don’t plan it one day before the big day. You should schedule the party a week before the big event, preferably on the weekend. You don’t want to go to work the next day, and there should be some people from out of town who won’t be able to attend. Also, make sure to invite everyone on time!


A small party always should be a civilized evening of some best friends in a place enjoying each other’s presence. So keep in mind the persons that your friend usually hangs out with and put them on the list. It shouldn’t be more than 7 or 8, this way you can keep the conversation under control.

However, if you make a big party, and you want to make it memorable you can invite almost everyone from his friend list. If you’re one of his best buddies you should know who he likes or dislikes. In this case scenario you shouldn’t have a limit on the guests you’re inviting because the attendees will break into small groups. Just make sure that nobody is sitting alone on the sofa in a corner.

Do something active

Surprise Party

 We are men, and we like to do active things. Especially if your friend works in an office where he is obliged to sit all day. A great choice can be to make some sport like a go-kart and after hitting a pub. But there are other options too. Like playing a nice game of poker. Casino games were always liked by men, so if you can go to a real casino in some nice suits. Just make sure it doesn’t end up like the way it was in the movie Hangovers. Casinos are places where everyone finds something that he loves. It can be a slot machine, blackjack roulette, poker, etc.

Or if you don’t want a crowded place, you can set up a casino in your basement. All you need is a big table and a poker set. You can play a lot of games other than the poker with a pack of french cards. You can play palace, blackjack, hearts, crazy eights, solitaire (if you’re alone). These are fun and entertaining games that you can try out.

 Give your best

If you choose to stay home with your group make sure that you pay attention to the details. This includes music, food, program, some design maybe. A few balloons never hurt anybody. Make sure that the food is good and it’s enough for everyone. In the program, you can ask for help. Tell one of your friends to come up with some fun games. And if the person still doesn’t know anything make sure that everyone parked far from the house.

Wrap up

 I hope you got some good ideas about what you should do and don’t do when you have a surprise party. If I should summarize the whole article in two sentences it would be: ‘always keep in mind the taste of the surprised person’ and ‘make sure that it will be a surprise’. The power of surprise can boost a person’s attitude. Be sure that all of the attendees have a good alibi and all of them know that it’s a surprise and keep their mouth closed. You don’t have to worry too much about the planning, just invite the right people and the rest comes by itself.

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