We have lived long enough to know that not everything we own is safe for us and the environment we live in. It came along with the progression and innovation of the modern world, and we couldn’t really slow down these processes.

While there are certain products that we rely on to help us clean our home, our office space, and whatnots, they also come with repercussions. There are rental cleaning services that you can hire if you’re unsure of the cleaning products that you have.

Here are chemicals and toxins that you should look out for the next time you use a cleaning product:

1. Phthalates

This type of toxin can be found in many of our fragranced household products like air fresheners and dish soaps. What’s even risky about this toxin is that we can be exposed to it through inhalation and contact with our skin.

So, the next time you check the label of your cleaning products, don’t be surprised if you don’t find phthalates on it. There’s a certain law that doesn’t disclose anything about it.

To avoid this toxin, you can always opt for fragrance-free or organic products.

2. Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA)

This tandem of toxic chemicals is mostly found in some all-purpose cleaners. It basically helps in making them sudsier. But who needs suds if it only causes us more harm?

One risk that we should keep in mind is the fact that if they come in contact with nitrates, it can form nitrosamines – carcinogens that can cause cancer. This can be really harmful because it can penetrate the skin easily.

To lessen our risk of exposure to these highly toxic chemicals, try to swap your normal cleaners to natural ones like water mixed with vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda. You can also try to make cleaning more effective with brushes, sponge, and scrubbers that are sturdy enough to last long.

3. Ethylene glycol

Antifreeze can really be useful especially for cars, no doubt about that. But when you look closely at the ingredients of this liquid miracle, it contains a highly hazardous chemical called Ethylene glycol.

This specific chemical is extremely poisonous and can even be fatal. If you accidentally inhale its fumes, it can only cause you dizziness. But swallowing it is entirely a different story. It can damage the heart, kidneys, and brain thus resulting in death.

Ethylene glycol can also be absorbed through the skin so make sure to always wear gloves if you clean your garage or driveway. There’s a big chance that you can encounter a puddle of this chemical during your cleaning time. If in case you don’t know how to spot it, it’s a bright green or yellow liquid.

Pets can also fall victim to this. Don’t let them wandering around anywhere near an antifreeze because once they drink or lick the liquid, it can easily kill them.

Shift to the safer option which is the propylene glycol which can also be found in some antifreeze products.

4. Ammonia

Inhaling ammonia-infused products can cause lung irritation. And that’s saying it lightly. It can damage your liver and kidney. Too much ammonia in our body can cause psychological problems.

Ammonia is a toxic chemical found in window cleaners, drain cleaners, toilet cleaners, bathroom cleaners, oven cleaners, stainless-steel cleaners, car polish, and all-purpose cleaners.

5. Perchloroethylene or “PERC”

PERC is another red flag as it can possibly be a carcinogen. You can often find this chemical in dry-cleaning solutions, spot removers, and upholstery cleaners.

The most common exposure to this chemical is through inhalation. You can easily identify its smell especially if your clothes come straight from the dry cleaners. California is reported to eliminate all use of PERC by 2023 because of its health risks.

You can skip the dry cleaners for now and go instead to a wet cleaner. If you really feel the need to have certain fabrics be cleaned by a dry cleaner, ask them if they use a method that’s less harmful.

6. Corrosive ingredients

Sulfates, sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite (bleach), and phosphoric acid are corrosive ingredients that can severely irritate our eyes, skin, and respiratory system. The worst thing that can happen is if these are accidentally ingested, it can burn your internal organs.

These ingredients can be found in toilet bowl cleaners. Since it’s always a must to clean your toilets, you’re likely to be exposed to these chemicals.

Be mindful of your usage. Make the conscious effort to avoid these ingredients altogether and choose the safer and more natural option which is water and baking soda.

7. Organic solvents

Oil-based paint usually has organic solvents. While its damage can mostly be light and easily curable, it can also cause severe damage to your internal organs. It can range from eyes and skin irritation to blood problems and poor air circulation.

Fresh air can easily be the solution to these problems. But if exposed to it more often, that’s when the more serious problems occur.

8. 2-Butoxyethanol

You can find this chemical in glass cleaners, laundry stain removers, carpet cleaners, automobile cleaners, etc.

Ladies of age should beware of this certain chemical as it can cause reproductive problems. It can also cause skin and eye irritation.

Cleaning agents are a staple part of our lifestyle. But to consciously live in a safer environment for you and your family, make it a habit to choose the option that contains less harmful chemicals. A rental cleaning service is also a good way to avoid exposing yourself to these chemicals. If you have the luxury to do so, don’t hesitate to contact the available service provider near you.

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