As a personal trainer, you may encounter situations that could cause problems between you and your clients. It could be an accident that causes injury, or other things that may cause them to take legal action. These things could cost you money, especially if you are not insured. Moreover, you will have a better chance of getting more clients if they know that you are covered. We have listed trusted insurance for personal trainers that you should not be without.

General Liability Insurance

This insurance is also called CGL or commercial general liability insurance. It will protect you from accidents causing damage to property or injury to the person. General liability insurance also covers you from slander or libel accusations.  Below are some of the specific areas that this insurance covers.

  • Property damage

Accidents could happen anytime, and they may cause property damage. For example, you drop exercise equipment on your client’s things and cause damage to their phone or laptop; this insurance will cover the expenses.

  • Bodily injury

If a client is hurt or injured while at your gym or while doing a session, it will also be covered.

  • Pain and suffering

Accidents will not just cause physical injuries, but they may also cause pain and suffering. It could affect their mental and emotional health, and you will be liable for that.

  • Loss of income

If they are unable to go to work because of an accident, you will be asked to compensate for that.

  • Sexual misconduct

Personal training, especially if done face to face, requires you to be close to your client. Having body contact during the session may happen, and others could misunderstand it and may see it as sexual misconduct. Your insurance will cover this too.

Personal Trainer Insurance

Professional liability insurance

It’s also called errors and omission insurance. Unhappy clients may sue you for any errors or mistakes on your part that they experience. It may lead to legal action that could cause court fees, settlement fees, and other legal costs. This insurance will cover that.

  • Incomplete work

If you agreed to finish sessions and you didn’t complete them for some reason, you will be liable to pay the client back for your incomplete work.

  • Negligence

If you made a mistake or error, whether intentional or not, that causes suffering to the client, you may be liable for your negligence.

  • Lying about the result of a product or service

You may also be sued if you promised that a certain service or product will give a client a specific result, but failed to deliver.

  • Improper training

Incorrect training, whether personally or through training videos that causes injuries or pain could lead to a lawsuit. Professional liability insurance can cover you for that.

Third-Party Cyber Liability Insurance

If you are providing fitness training online, this insurance is something that you should not be without. Your client data may be stored on the web, or you may require them to fill out their details online. If this data leaks or gets compromised, it will result in a data privacy breach. This insurance will cover the expenses that you will incur for the legal process.

Do not miss out on these personal trainer insurance options to give you peace of mind and to keep you protected.

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