Starting up a business is far much easier today than it used to be a while back this is thanks to technology as it has quite literally expanded the world of business to a global level. As a result, this has led to an increase in competition in most industries leading to some companies changing their specialty just to remain competitive.


A lot of entrepreneurs face problems and issues they never thought they would meet. However, it worth noting that it’s how you handle challenges that will determine if you will fall into bankruptcy or if your business will turn for the better in a few months. Here is advice from an SEO New York specialist on some of the aspects you’ve probably never thought about and which could impact your business negatively.

Negative SEO

Entrepreneurs who’ve started their own businesses probably have heard about the importance of search engine optimization when it comes to the ranking of their organization on search engines. However, what most people haven’t heard about is something known as negative SEO. Negative SEO is something that could hurt your business badly if not handled in good time. But where does negative SEO come from? It could be the work of a disgruntled employee getting back at your company or a competitor.

negative SEO

Negative SEO could lead to your business website dropping in ranking unless all the links considered webspam are removed or disavowed. Failure to do so could result in your company website being de-indexed by Google. The de-indexing of a website in the US is considered a death sentence as your business website will no longer be available to users unless they remember your site’s URL. It is, therefore, advisable that you look for, and work with a professional SEO New York solutions provider who can help manage and maintain your website.

Trouble Finding The Right Talent

Hiring the people with the skills needed to help you build your company doesn’t seem that complicated. However, depending on the industry you are in, and where you are located, this can be quite difficult. For instance, there may be hundreds, if not thousands, of app developers in San Francisco while only several hundred are available in Detroit. When looking for skilled SEO experts, consider offering perks. This way, it will be easy to attract qualified professionals without paying them what a larger marketing firm would ask for.


The great thing is that many young expert’s minds are focused on the perks of working in the comfort of their homes. Today, many tasks can be handled right from home, giving employees the freedom they want. However, it is advisable that you maintain production quotas so that you can monitor employee progress. This will allow you take away privileges if the opportunity is taken advantage of. It’s worth noting that some people will become more productive while others will need to be kept at the office permanently.

A Giant Company Just Entered Into Your Business Space

A big company entering a business space could pose problems to smaller ones and could lead to them going out of business in a matter of time. Here, the best thing to do would be to work smart. Large corporations tend to have a host of corporate hoops and approvals to go through before a single project can be performed. Cornering specific markets and streamlining process can be very beneficial. For instance, a marketing firm may specialize in providing marketing solutions to attorneys instead of general marketing services. This focus is frequently seen when an industry’s become saturated with businesses that are all seemingly offering the same exact thing.

As you can already tell, there are issues, such as these, that people will rarely consider when excited about starting up their own company. It is, therefore, vital that you proactively optimize your strategies and avoid any issues that could sabotage your progress by minimizing some of these problems. If you are based in New York, then consider hiring an SEO New York specialist for the most dependable SEO solutions.

Author’s Bio

Establishing her career in the digital age, Kathy was able to learn and practice the art and power of digital marketing. She loves molding young minds and motivating them to go out of their comfort zone. Kathy also likes to share her ideas about ranking websites through writing.

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