There are many options in this world today to make some money. One of these options is the way of reselling products, sometimes under a different name. To get you started and somewhat familiarized with the concept of reselling, we will introduce you to a few products that you are able of starting a re-selling business with – and the markets they are placed in.



Sneaker resellers are most definitely becoming rich at this point in time. Shoe resellers bet their aim at shoes that are exclusively available in ordinary stores, only to re-sell them to people who want them for a higher price. This works extremely well with Nike Air Jordans because it is Jordan’s way of branding: only manufacturing a limited amount of shoes. Getting into this business is quite hard – you really need to have some money stacked up to be able to buy a large number of shoes. But that’s not the most difficult part: the hardest is to get your hands on the newly dropped pairs of shoes. As there are only a limited amount of pairs, a lot of people are trying to get them. Most of the time, they’ve gone in a second. Most sneaker resellers have bought quick bots on the internet to do the job for them because in most cases, humans aren’t fast enough. This is a tough battle.

Medicinal products

Medicinal products

This market is relatively stable and has grown of course due to the current pandemic. For real medicine, you obviously need to be a doctor with a degree and a lot of papers, but for small medicine, this is not so much an issue and it’s relatively easy to get on in the market. Take for instance products that contain cannabidiol, which is also known as CBD in short. This substance is popular because it has a lot of health benefits, and is produced in different kinds of products, ranging from simple pills to cosmetics and oils. If you want to start selling medicinal products like these, products that are good for people’s health, some manufacturers offer the products with an empty label. This gives you, as a seller, the opportunity to put your own, private label on it and to sell the product as of your own. Just rebrand the products you ordered and start selling. Would you be willing to try this out?

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