Personal health awareness is a key component of mental and physical health. After all, if you’re not aware of what’s happening with your own body and how to take care of it, you can’t exactly do a good job. Knowing what’s affecting your health is step one of taking control of personal health once and for all.

In this guide, we’ll cover some of the ways you can increase your overall personal health awareness and take back control of your personal health. Knowing your habits, trusting your doctor, listening to your body, avoiding harmful practices, and educating yourself are the best ways to learn more about your personal health and increase awareness.

Know Your Habits

Knowing your habits is a good way to gauge your personal health. Are you a smoker? Do you exercise daily? What’s your diet like? These things can make a huge difference in your personal health, and it’s important to be aware of habits so you can make changes where necessary.

It’s recommended that adults get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week or at least 75 minutes of intense aerobic activity. This helps to keep the heart functioning well, prevents plaque build-up, and can even help improve your overall mental health.

Diet also plays a huge role in personal health. Monitoring your eating habits can help you lose weight and keep it off for good while changing what kinds of things you put into your body.

Don’t forget about the bad habits like smoking that are actively destroying your body. With so many smoking alternatives available today (like Black Buffalo tobaccoless chew), quitting is easier than ever, and will lead you down the path to a happier, healthier life.

Trust Your Doctor

Trust Your Doctor

It’s important not only to visit your doctor regularly but to also trust his or her advice. Following up with a doctor as soon as you notice something wrong can potentially save your life, or, at the very least, identify the issue before it becomes life-threatening. In cases of cancer, the earlier it’s detected, the easier it is to treat.

Adults should have bloodwork and physical check-ups at least once per year, especially after age 40. Males will need to have a prostate exam at least once per year after 40, and females should have mammograms at the same age.

Your doctor is the greatest ally in your personal health, and the great thing is that there are thousands to choose from in and out of your healthcare network. Pay attention to what your doctor says, and follow their instructions to the best of your abilities. Dental check-ups are just as important and if you need a recommendation, check out

Listen To Your Body

Listen To Your Body

You can’t always determine when something isn’t right with your health, but a lot of times, your body will display symptoms of a problem. Unfortunately, some people choose to ignore these symptoms until they become unbearable, which can multiply the problem and make the treatment take twice as long.

You know your body better than anyone, even your doctor, away. Trust your body’s warning signs. Don’t ignore problems until they become so intense you can’t function. This can only lead to further issues and costs associated with treatment.

Avoid Harmful Practices

Obviously, harmful practices like smoking, drug abuse, and alcohol should be avoided, but so too should things like overeating, lethargy, and self-destructive behaviors. Overeating is actually incredibly harmful to the body, and obesity is a serious problem in the US and much of Europe. It’s all too easy to overeat, with so many tasty snacks available, but discipline is everything.

Read and Research!

You should never stop learning about health and wellness, and this means reading books, scholarly articles, and doing research on best health practices. The typical American only reads about four books per year; that’s one every three months! A disturbing statistic, to be sure, especially when books are so full of knowledge, insight, and wonder.

That being said, it’s important to verify your sources. You wouldn’t want to take the advice or believe everything you see in a book or on a website. With so much information being filtered through sites like Facebook, it’s difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not these days. Be diligent in your research, and make time for your personal health.


Personal health awareness is the best way to prevent the onset of major illnesses, or, at the very least, catch them in their infancy before they become a serious problem. Remember to always pay attention to what your doctor says, and don’t let symptoms become unbearable before you make an appointment. Avoid bad habits like overeating, lethargy, and smoking, and do your own research. Read up on health trends for your age group, best practices for health, and more to stay up to date and informed.

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