Even though social networks may make it seem like everyone’s life is an open book, there are aspects of many people’s lives that they would rather keep quiet. While the internet poses a variety of risks when it comes to data privacy, the internet is equally as useful when it comes to staying discrete. Although the following tips may not apply to everyone, you may be surprised to hear about the fascinating ways that the internet helps you keep different parts of your life secret. Here are just some of the ways that you can stay discrete on the internet.

Find sexual partners less publicly

If you’re worried about being embarrassed if someone you know finds your Tinder or Bumble profile, then you’ll be relieved to know there are other ways to find sexual partners online. If you’re explicitly looking for somebody to hook up with, using more mainstream apps may especially be unwise since friends or coworkers might see your app bio and start talking. Using a more discrete app, such as Fuckbook, can actually help you navigate this very situation. While Fuckbook doesn’t sound like the most discrete platform out there, because it’s solely focused on matching men and women looking for sex, you’re much less likely to run into a coworker or family member’s profile on this app than others. You’ll be able to find the type of partners you’re looking for with Fuckbook without having to worry about other people stumbling across your profile accidentally.

Get more privacy when ordering online

If you’re more concerned with your privacy when it comes to ordering things online, there are options out there for you, too. Especially at a time when more and more people are relying on online delivery for groceries and other essential items, you may still want your privacy respected in a way that major retailers aren’t likely to offer. You’d be shocked by what you’d find if you actually took the time to read the privacy policy from a major retailer like Amazon or Walmart. Thankfully, it’s possible to set up an online post office box so you can have items mailed to an address that isn’t your personal residence. PO box plans are quite affordable, starting at about $10 a month, and many websites even let you monitor your mail remotely from the comfort of your phone or your computer. This means that you never have to waste gas heading into the post office to check your PO box since you’ll know exactly when mail arrives, complete with digital scans of your mailpieces.

Store your money more securely

Some people may not realize it, but cryptocurrencies are for more than investing. In fact, cryptocurrencies and virtual wallets are actually a much more private way of handling your finances, since virtual wallets are encrypted in ways that make it incredibly hard to trace to one specific person. Using decentralized banking for privacy has its limitations, of course, but if you really want to stay as off the grid as possible, you shouldn’t overlook crypto as one outlet for keeping your financial details more secure.

As you can see, there are online companies with the explicit goal of helping keep things a little more discrete than platforms like Instagram or Facebook. Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to find hookups, gain extra security when banking, and protect your shipping information and other personal details. While not everyone will have a use for the above features or technologies, it’s easy to see why they exist. During a time when data security is becoming increasingly precious amid major data hacks and leaks, it’s good to know your options.

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