Constant coughing can take a toll on your health, making you tired and hurting your chest. Discover how to get rid of a cough that won’t go away here.

Did you know that the throat is part of the digestive system and the respiratory system? Not only does it act as a passageway for food, but it also allows air to travel down to the airways.

Like the rest of our body, however, it can be affected by various conditions. Take viral infections, for instance—they can cause sore throats.

Coughs are also common. Why? They can be caused by both viruses and bacteria.

Want to know how to get rid of a cough? If so, you’re on the right page. We’ll be going over some remedies below. Keep reading to learn more!

What Causes Coughing?

Several conditions can cause coughing—the most common being a respiratory tract infection (e.g. flu or cold). Generally speaking, it can last anywhere from a few days to a week.

Other causes include asthma, smoking, and postnasal drip. Certain medications can also cause coughing as a side effect.

4 Suggestions For How to Get Rid of a Cough


There are various ways that you can treat a cough. Here are some of them.

1. Honey Tea 

Honey is a popular home remedy for coughs. Studies have shown that it can provide significant relief, perhaps more than over-the-counter medications.

For the best results, mix two teaspoons of honey into a cup of herbal tea. Drink it once to twice a day. Do not give it to children under one year of age as it may contain botulism spores.

2. Ginger 

Ginger is not only great for nausea but it’s also effective for treating coughs. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds, that relax the membranes in the airways.

One way to take it is by brewing ginger tea. Add a few fresh ginger slices to a hot cup of water and let it steep for several minutes. You can also add lemon juice or honey to improve the flavor.

3. Kratom 

Kratom is a herb that’s native to Southeast Asia. Known for its pain-relieving effects, it’s often used as an alternative to prescription pain medications.

In some cases, it can also be used for coughs. Just make sure to take the proper amount as too much can lead to overdose.

Looking for some kratom products? Check out The Kratom Connection.

4. Marshmallow Root 

Marshmallow root is a herb that’s known for its medicinal effects. It can be used to treat wet coughs, which is due to mucus at the back of the throat.

It comes in various forms as well. For example, you can get it as a cough syrup or tea. Side effects include stomach upset, which you can prevent by taking extra fluids.

Treating a Cough

And there we have it—four ways on how to get rid of a cough. As you can see, there are several remedies that you can try!

Looking for more health tips? If so, be sure to check out the rest of our blog!

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