Any kind of renovation that you do on your home takes time, money, and effort which is why ensuring you have the right plan in place is the best way to make sure that you stay within your budget and it doesn’t take any additional time. In this article, we will share with you four steps to help your house project go to plan.

Choose your professionals wisely

Whether your house project is big or small you need to be aware that some jobs should not be done by a quick look on YouTube, but instead needs to be completed by a trained professional to ensure that you are staying safe. Some of these jobs include any structural work, electrical, plumbing, or roofing. The cheapest method isn’t always the better option, getting it completed properly in the first place will likely be quicker and most importantly safer. Ensure that you are using a trusted tradesperson by using one of the many trade checker websites.

If you are wanting to complete a full-scale house renovation, many homeowners employ an architect or an interior designer, or both, to develop a plan and a comprehensive scope of work. Many designers assist with material and paint choices on projects that do not need significant structural improvements or additions. Architects can work on a variety of projects, or they can focus solely on floor plans and approvals, leaving the work to a trained professional.

Choosing a professional normally begins with a face-to-face meeting, which can take several weeks depending on how many companies you’re speaking to. This is your chance to learn about the services each organization provides to make sure they meet your standards. It’s also crucial that you have a budget in mind for your project, which you can convey to the company you employ so that the design will match your budget.

House Projects

Get your planning permission

If you are adding onto your house in any way, whether that be up or out you must make sure and check if you need to apply for planning permission, building without it can come with nasty fines and you could also be forced to undo all that time and money.

Getting planning permission can take days, months, or even years, depending on the scale of your project and where it is located. Until you file for planning permission, you should have an idea of how long the process will take, so you can estimate when your project can begin. Depending on where you live permit fees can vary from a few hundred pounds, so make sure you plan that extra money onto your budget.

If you are carrying out a smaller project or extension to your home planning permission may not be required, once you have a project in mind take a look at the criteria of permitted development.

Plan out the work

Think ahead of what needs to be done at what stage if you are doing it, for example, is it best to do the garden before putting the flooring down to save possibly damaging new flooring? Having a detailed plan will help you plan dates for the professionals you are going to be working with and give you a realistic look at when your project will be completed.

Buy the tool and materials heads of time to avoid delays

As part of the planning process, you also need to add in what material you need to choose and purchase, is there a waiting time on the materials? How quickly can you get them? Even those who enjoy shopping can become overwhelmed by the variety of options and seek professional advice. Do not underestimate the number of options available, from doorknobs and windows to countertops and light fixtures. It’s best to pick anything before construction starts to keep the project costs under control.

Are you doing any of the work yourself and if so, what tool do you need to complete the job? Is there any waiting time for tools? can they be bought in stores or do they need to be bought online? If you are decorating or painting windows, do you have the right extension ladder for the job? Do you have all the brushes, do you have enough wallpaper, these are just some of the questions to ask yourself. The biggest tip within a project is to plan way ahead and avoid delays.


A project for the home can be overwhelming and this is probably not the first article you have read, the important thing is to continue your research, plan out your project, plan way ahead and have a budget in mind. We hope these tips will help your project, and good luck!

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