When something in your home breaks, you replace it. That’s true of every appliance, fixture, and feature. But what happens if something isn’t “broken” in the conventional sense of the word, yet doesn’t function as it should?

That’s the issue many homeowners face with their windows. Your windows may not be physically cracked or falling from the frame, but they can be doing your home (and your wallet) damage nonetheless.

It pays to know the warning signs of when to replace your windows. Keeping your windows updated and efficient can save you money, keep your home comfortable and your family safe. If you think it might be time to upgrade yours, then read through this list of simple warning signs.

Your Energy Bill Is Climbing

Sometimes, you don’t have to look at the windows themselves to know they are inefficient. A telltale sign of inefficient windows is a climbing energy bill. As subpar-quality windows age, they become increasingly incapable of insulating your home, meaning you end up paying more each month on heating and cooling. If efficiency is what you want, replace your windows with Energy Star certified products like triple-glazed windows.

The Windows Are Drafty

Drafty windows are also a sign that your windows aren’t protecting your home from the outdoor elements. To perform a quick test for drafts, hold a candle up to various points around the window frame. If the candle flickers, your window has an air leak. While some draft issues can be solved by caulking, severely drafty windows should be replaced.

Replace Your Windows

The Hardware Is Difficult to Operate

Aside from efficiency, windows should function properly as well. If you have an operational window (that is, one that opens and closes) with stiff, stuck, or broken hardware, consider replacing it. Faulty hardware poses accessibility issues, which can be a problem for older homeowners. It may also pose a security issue. To replace them, find windows with a well-made, multi-point locking system, which is easy to use and will defend against intruders.

They Are Cracked, Peeling, or Unattractive

Replace Your Windows

First and foremost, you want functional and efficient windows. But a secondary concern – a significant secondary concern – looks. You want to be proud of your windows. If your windows are cracked, peeling, outdated, or unattractive, that’s a compelling reason to have them replaced. After all, windows are a significant factor in curb appeal.

Your Windows Are Celebrating Their 20th Birthday

A 20th birthday is often a milestone worth celebrating, but in the case of your windows, it should also be a sign that it’s time for a replacement. Depending on your windows’ quality and how well you have maintained them, they may last between 15 and 25 years (sometimes more, sometimes less.) As a rule of thumb, if your windows are pushing 20 years, start thinking about replacing them for newer, more efficient, and stylish options.

New windows can lower your energy bill, increase your home security and improve your curb appeal. If you are unsure about whether you should replace your old ones, hopefully, this article has shed some much-needed light on the topic!

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