Over the last few years, drug overdose has become one of the most common causes of unintentional deaths in the US. In 2018 alone, more than 67,000 people died in the country due to drug overdose. The main drivers of such a loss are opioids, including fentanyl, heroin, and analogs. First responders working in the Houston Fire Department are given naloxone, a drug that can quickly restore respiration in people suffering from an opioid overdose. In 2019, responders used this drug in Houston over 1,300 times.

Are you suffering from opioid-related consequences? Has someone you love become addicted to opioids? Did you trust your physician and drug manufacturers who promised that opioids would improve your life? But now, are you left with nothing but to struggle with opioid addiction? Let accomplished Houston opioid lawyers help you fight against the parties responsible for the harm you are suffering from.

Here is how they can help:

How Can an Opioid Lawyer Help?

In the US, pharmaceutical companies aggressively marketed opioids as a comprehensive treatment for pains. However, they never mentioned its side effects and never talked about its addictive nature. Since they did not make such critical information clear while advertising their products, they may have deceived you and prevented you from making an informed decision about your health. So, you have the legal right to file a financial claim against them.

However, drug manufacturers won’t quickly agree to compensate you for your loss. So, you have to back-up your campaign with a detailed, evidence-supported, aggressive lawsuit. That’s where Houston opioid lawyers can help. An experienced lawyer can seek compensation for you by doing the following:

  • Thoroughly investigate the circumstances related to your opioid overdose
  • Identify any person or party responsible for your opioid injury or addiction
  • Claim compensation from all the parties liable for your loss, including doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies
  • Consult with the experts to assess your injuries extent
  • Correctly calculate your case’s worth
  • Support you against manipulative insurers


Parties Responsible for Your Opioid Overdose

The opioid epidemic that the US is going through is the result of misinformation from various parties, particularly the drug company that manufactured it and the doctor who prescribed it to you without telling you its side effects.

  • In the US, any business that sells or manufactures a product is responsible for ensuring that it is safe and disclosing its health risks. If it fails to do so, it is legally held liable for any injuries caused.
  • Doctors are responsible for doing what’s best for the treatment of their patients. They are educated and trained to work with medicines and prescribe drugs that cause the least harm to the users. If your doctor prescribed you an opioid without examining its side effects, they are liable for your injury.

What Compensation Can You Get?

As opioid-related deaths rise across the US, one person dies of an opioid-related issue every 32 hours. 50 to 100 cases of opioid overdose are reported to House Police and Fire Departments every month, out of which around 25% are fatal. If you are hurt, an opioid lawyer can maximize your compensation by seeking all types of damages you can recover. These include financial recovery for the following:

  • Treatment programs
  • Medical expenses
  • Nursing care
  • Lost wages
  • Disability
  • Reduced capacity to earn
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

If you or someone in your family has been a victim of an opioid overdose, an opioid lawyer can help you get compensation for the damages you received. They can help you understand your options and rights.

Over the last couple of years, the Opioid epidemic is sweeping Houston city. If you are living with the consequences of opioid overdose, you are entitled to get compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation, and also suffering and pain. Experienced Houston opioid lawyers are prepared to fetch you each dollar that you deserve.

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