Hotels & Influencer Marketing – Infographic It’s hard to escape all the talk about the prolific progress of influencer marketing within the business to consumer circles. Influencer marketing allows brands to leverage the following of a particular “influencer” who is said to have a certain appeal/influence over that following’s buying behavior. Of course, this can be immensely powerful but it doesn’t come for free and with the emergence of agencies which now represent these influencers, the niche has become bigger and more powerful. Many hotels have already moved into using this type of marketing. While of course influencer marketing has had many documented successes, it’s so important that a hotel fully thinks through their strategy in respect of this area.

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It’s vital that they align themselves with the correct type of influencer; one that matches their target demographic and it’s also important that they measure the success/progress/failure of the campaign.

The team at Ard na Sidhe have put together this infographic which covers the whole area of influencer marketing and hotels. It sets out the background to influencer marketing and sets the context for hotel marketing in particular. It details a possible hotel influencer marketing strategy and it also emphasizes the importance of measuring the return on investment of the specific campaign. Check it out below.

Hotels & Influencer Marketing – Infographic


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