Did you know that 12 out of every 1,000 children have cognitive delays in the United States?

Cognitive delays can range in severity, but, they are serious since they can limit communication and social skills.

If you want to help your child, you should focus on the key factors of cognitive development to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Continue reading to discover more about cognitive development in early childhood and how kids grow!


One of the first phases to understand cognitive development in early childhood is sensorimotor.

The sensorimotor phase begins at birth and goes on until the child is 24 months old, or 2 years old. The goal of this stage is object performance, according to Piaget. Learning how to manipulate objects can be a lengthy process as children’s fine and gross motor skills develop.

If you want to help your child achieve this portion of cognitive development, let them explore toys and objects, safely. Playtime does a lot more for their brains than just keeping them busy!


Early childhood ages from 2 to 7 years old, go into the preoperational stage next.

This stage encompasses symbolic thought, which often looks like the imagination. Pretend play should be common for kids in this phase since they are exploring their minds and abilities. During this phase, children might ask “why?” a lot as they try to understand the world around them.

If you want to get your child enrolled at a school that will encourage this stage, the best Montessori school might be around the corner. Montessori schools are becoming more popular since they teach children in a fun and welcoming environment.

Cognitive Development

Concrete Operational

The concrete operational phase occurs from ages 7 to 11 years old, however, some kids might take longer.

Concrete operational development is essential for understanding logic and learning. Puzzles and reading are beneficial at this stage of development since kids are forming their foundation of knowledge.

Formal Operational 

It isn’t until adolescence and adulthood that children reach the formal operational stage.

In this stage, scientific reasoning is a factor that people gain the skills to understand. Combining logic, imagination, and creativity, people can create wonderful innovation at this stage. This is the most complex stage of cognitive development.

Keep in mind that each person develops at their own pace, it might take longer for one of your children in one area versus the other.

Do You Know How Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Changes? 

Understanding cognitive development in early childhood can lead your child to succeed.

When parents learn about cognitive development, they can introduce tools and people to stimulate them. As children grow up, their needs and emotions become more complex. Don’t be afraid if you think your child is falling behind, often, they are excelling in other areas and will quickly catch up.

Providing your child with tools and info will best prepare them to be independent thinkers.

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about early childhood development and how to be the best parent possible!

Read More: 5 Ways Daycare Can Help Prepare Kids for Kindergarten.

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