Ensure you are healthy this upcoming cold and flu season with this complete guide to the 8 best antiviral essential oils.

As we approach the flu season, it’s important to take preventative measures. According to the CDC, the most effective way to stay flu-free is to get vaccinated each year, wash your hands, and avoid close contact with those who are sick.

In addition to these measures, there are also holistic approaches you can take to ensure that your immune system is strong and ready to fight off any viruses you do come in contact with.

While essential oils, alone, aren’t a good way to prevent the flu, it’s still worth taking a look at the best antiviral essential oils you can use supplementarily.

Read on for the top 8 antiviral essential oils that you should have around this flu season.

How to Use Essential Oils

To avoid confusion, let’s take a minute to talk about how you can use essential oils for their antiviral properties.

Unlike vitamins and other supplements, it’s not recommended that you take essential oils orally. Ingesting them in this way can cause health issues, especially if they are not diluted well. If you are interested in essential oil oral consumption, consider looking into tested and approved essential oil pills and supplements.

Instead, we recommend that you introduce essential oils into the air that you breathe. Some people may apply them to their pillow or place a few drops on frequently used lightbulbs.

The best way to use essential oils is to use a diffuser essential oil that not only looks stylish but allows you to control exactly how much oil you’re diffusing and when.

Best Antiviral Essential Oils

There are tons of essential oils on the market that are known for a variety of useful properties. Some can be used in your home cleaning routine. Others can alleviate symptoms of insomnia and anxiety.

As the flu season approaches, let’s take a look at the essential oils that may help boost your immune system and help your body eliminate viruses.

1. Tea Tree

Tea Tree oil is arguably the most popular essential oil, which means that you can find it in most grocery stores and drug stores. Tea tree oil is so beloved because it is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It may be able to deactivate some airborne viruses and is great to diffuse and to mix into DIY cleaning products.

2. Oregano

Oregano oil is very potent and has been found to deactivate certain viruses within an hour of exposure. When using oregano oil, it’s recommended that you mix it with other oils or use it in very small doses. Exercise caution when using oregano oil around children and pregnant women.

3. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a great oil to have on hand all year round. Not only is it considered antiviral but it can come in handy once someone in your household has already caught a cold or is dealing with congestion. When diffused or applied topically to the chest, eucalyptus may help to ease sinus pain and blockage.

4. Melissa

Melissa is thought to help fight cold sores and may have been effective in treating the avian flu. This powerful essential oil is highly desirable but it’s also pretty pricey. In order to make your melissa essential oil last as long as possible, we recommend using it sparingly, either in a mix with other oils or topically in the event of a cold sore.

Essential Oils

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is often found in air purifiers and anti-germ blends marketed and sold by holistic companies. Like tea tree oil, it is considered antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial.

Feel free to include generous amounts of cinnamon in your diffuser blends or cleaning supplies. Take note, however, that it shouldn’t be used topically, especially on sensitive or damaged skin.

6. Thyme

If you are searching for effective antiviral and antibacterial oils to include in both your diffuser and your DIY cleaning supplies, consider picking up a tincture of thyme. It has a potent smell but we include it in every flu season blend we put in our diffusers at home. Thyme may help keep the common cold at bay and alleviate the symptoms of most flu strains.

7. Bay Laurel

More research is needed to confirm Bay Laurel’s healing properties, but so far, the test results are positive. Bay Laurel is one of those multi-purpose essential oils that may address emotional and physical needs. Whether you’re suffering from anxiety or feeling under the weather, it may be beneficial to pick up some Bay Laurel essential oils.

Note that Bay Laurel is strong and contains 8-cineole. While some use it topically to treat cold sores or in an oil diffuser to treat a number of ailments, Bay Laurel is not recommended for children.

8. Star Anise

Star anise packs a powerful punch and a licorice smell. Star anise contains shikimic acid, which has been synthesized in recent years by pharmaceutical companies and used in flu vaccinations.

Star anise does come with a warning. Consuming it can cause health problems and it is recommended that you dilute star anise oil before applying it to the skin or using it in a diffuser.

Keep Your Immune System Happy and Healthy

This flu season, why not take multiple proactive approaches to your health? In addition to getting the flu vaccine and exercising other CDC-recommended cautions, add the best antiviral essential oils to your repertoire. Deactivating viruses and boosting your immune system is a great way to stay healthy this fall and winter.

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