Adopting and moving ahead with the advancing technology is a sure way to ensure that a business enterprise stays relevant in the market. With the new brands and businesses being established regularly, the existing ones should make a point to keep their customer base intact while expanding into newer markets. There is a place for everyone who offers quality products and good customer service, along with marketing their business using innovative methods.

Building a presence where customers are already available can make the process of brand retention and customer communication easier. WhatsApp is one such place with more than 1.5 billion users using the app to communicate with their friends, family, and colleagues.

WhatsApp has a presence in more than 180 countries and allows enterprises to connect with users across the globe with ease. The app has been declared as the second most loved app and a hot favorite of users. Millions of new users are joining the app each day and steadily growing the app’s presence in the market.

The developers have recently released WhatsApp Business, developed for medium and large scale business enterprises to interact with their customers. Many small scale businesses are already using regular WhatsApp to communicate with their customers for free.

WhatsApp Business is much similar to regular WhatsApp though it has a separate set of regulations to ensure fair practices. Business enterprises can download the app for free using a valid phone number. To use the app, they will have to request early access and get the account verified by the developers.


In the meantime, enterprises can continue to use the app and build a presence by taking the help of companies that provide WhatsApp API for integration services. These companies have access to the WhatsApp API documentation and provide a cloud platform to the enterprises by connecting the app to their database.

This platform serves as a medium to send and receive messages to and from users, irrespective of their geographical location. The platform is maintained and monitored by the service providers to ensure that it is error-free round the clock, allowing enterprises to effortlessly communicate with their users.

  1. WhatsApp Business can be used via a web application that allows the support staff to work on multiple.
  2. conversations from numerous systems simultaneously.
  3. They can send and receive messages of any length. There are no character limitations for WhatsApp messages.
  4. Links to purchase website can be included in the messages to encourage customers to make purchases.
  5. Enterprises can conduct transactions and finalize the orders in the chatbox.
  • Send Multimedia Messages

  1. Images, audio and video files can be sent to users to attract their attention towards a product or service.
  2. Using images and videos for promotional purposes generates more sales as they work as effective visual stimuli.
  • Set Webhooks for Instant Responses

  1. Customer-initiated messages and their responses are sent to the app using webhooks.
  2. Notifications about personal and group messages are sent through the incoming HTTP requests from the server.
  • End to End Encryption

  1. WhatsApp provides secure end to end encryption for private conversations.
  2. It is the main reason why enterprises cannot send messages to user phone numbers that are not a part of their database.
  3. The end to end encryption keeps the data secure and allows the enterprises and customers to share confidential information such as their account details, etc.
  • Branded Messaging

  1. By promoting the brand, enterprises can make an impression on the customers. The brand name, logo, brand design or image goes a long way in ensuring that customers remember the business.
  2. Customizing the profile to include details of the business such as the display picture, tagline of the business, the address of the office, email id and website, list of products and services, etc. will provide the necessary information to the customers.
  3. Moreover, the details ensure the users that the business is genuine. By getting the WhatsApp Business account verified, enterprises can reach a wider range of the audience without appearing as spam.
  • Customer Support and Service

  1. Enable the support staff to answer customers’ questions and help them discover products.
  2. Respond to customers’ complaints and identify the root cause to effectively troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
  • Notifications Using Template Messages

  1. Send timely updates to users about their orders and deliveries.
  2. Send notifications about their payment due dates and service schedule reminders.
  3. WhatsApp provides pre-approved templates to send notifications.
  4. Bots are special software created using artificial intelligence to send automated responses to customer messages. The companies provide 24*7 technical services and a reliable, secure platform to use WhatsApp Business as a major communication channel.
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