It doesn’t matter if you are in an office or leading business when it comes to dealing with your sub-ordinates. A good business leader always takes responsibility, motivates his/her team, and can communicate and build a bond on a personal level. Some skills come naturally to a business leader such as problem-solving, taking feedback (positive and negative, both), and keeping the team together. If you have not just the right skills to be a leader, you will fail miserably and become an object to get laughed on. Leadership includes you have to be that version of yourself which you want your team to be. Always try to set an example so the team follows up on it and stay excited to work. You should always arrange some activities often to learn something new and keep your team entertained. You should also stay updated on the well-being of your staff so they don’t feel left out in an organization full of people. Leadership doesn’t always mean only leading business and building your team, but also if you are an employee yourself in a company, you can show your leadership skills there as well by communicating and building a bond with the people working below you.

If you have a business yourself and you hired a good business leader like Charles Field Marsham, then it will increase your productivity by a huge margin, and achieving your goal would become a bit easy. Charles Field Marsham is a Canadian entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in building businesses. However, by this you shouldn’t consider that hiring a business leader will get your profits sky-high; there are many different elements that also play the same role.

Here are the six characteristics that a Business Leader should have:



A leader must have a good communication style which includes listening, speaking clearly, story-telling, good use of expressions and humor, presentation skills, body language, etc.


He/she must be able to motivate the team on a whole different level. Paying a 6-figure amount is not going to help you get the work done you wanted to get done by. A good motivation set includes skills such as taking employees’ opinions, mentor them on a regular basis, rewarding them time to time, understanding their needs, etc.


You should always distribute the work in the team and focus yourself on creating new ideas if you will try to do too many office works, productivity will go downtown. Often this quality is mistaken as a weakness, but you should know that this is the best quality of a strong leader. This skill includes taking feedbacks, providing resources, giving tasks on a priority basis, having trust, etc.


A leader should take full responsibility for the successes and failures of his/her team. You will lose respect in the eyes of your team if you ever played the blame-game on the failure of your team. You can take responsibility and then work on understanding mistakes, solutions, problem-solving, troubleshooting, etc.


You must commit to what you said and what the task you assigned to the team and yourself. If you promised a gift/reward on the completion of a task, you should fulfill it as soon as the task successfully completes.


This skill includes you should be able to learn new things or skills, adapting new methods, have great negotiation skill, know your team individually, improvising time to time, and always open to face criticism.

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