Fish are very dissimilar to human beings in many ways, and what you might think is a perfect day to cast out your lines, could be a bad day for the fish. This is especially true with the weather, and in some cases (for some species) the surface activity that rain causes, actually sets the fish into feeding mode. If you are planning to fish in rainy weather, here are a few tips.

The umbrella should be wide enough to protect you and your equipment from the rain, and it will also offer some respite from the wind if angled correctly.

  • Bottom Feeders

Carp, catfish and other bottom feeders won’t really be bothered about the rain, but if it is heavy and the water isn’t that deep, it might churn up the bottom and this will surely encourage the fish to feed.

  • Obviously, whether fishing in the rain or on a sunny day-

You should be using the best quality fishing rods.-They perform well when fighting big fish. If you are looking for a decent new rod, check out the online fishing stores, where you can get all the best brands at lower than retail prices.


  • Try Different Methods

If your regular set-up is not proving to be successful, try something else, and allow enough time when you make a change to see if it makes any difference. Some species of fish like the rain, while others do not, and then there are species that are indifferent to rain.

  • Wearing Waterproof Clothing

A 10-hour fishing trip without waterproofs would be disastrous and very uncomfortable. A light and very thin plastic cape might do the trick, or perhaps a pair of waterproof leggings and an anorak will keep you dry.

  • Try Fishing Close To Or On The Surface

The constant disturbance on the surface that rain causes can make the fish believe food has arrived and depended on the species, they may suddenly decide to come up and investigate. A floating bait might just do the trick, and with a little experimentation, you could catch a fair size fish this way. There are interesting articles you can find online that discuss the effect of rain on fishing. They are must-reads.

  • Keeping Your Equipment Dry

The handle of the rod which houses the reel should be kept under cover if possible. Excessive water will have a negative impact on the reel, so give it a wipe. When you are packing up at the end of the session, use a dry cloth to wipe floats and lures, which are often made of metal and could rust.

  • Be Prepared

If you hook into a 30kg fish during a storm, you are in for some fun and should make sure that everything you might need is within arm’s reach. The rain won’t make any difference to the way the fish reacts to being hooked, in fact, some anglers report the fish fight harder during the rain, although this cannot be confirmed.

Fishing in the rain could prove to be very rewarding, or you might draw a blank, yet one thing is for sure, you will need to be comfortable in wet conditions, otherwise, the fishing outing will be an unpleasant experience.

blank, yet one thing is for sure, you will need to be comfortable in wet conditions, otherwise, the fishing outing will be an unpleasant experience.

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