Don’t you love that new home smell? Your new home is a blank canvas ready to be decorated with a touch of your personal style. In addition to decorating your new abode, you have to make it liveable.

Transitioning into a new apartment is a stressful process and you must be prepared for any unforeseen obstacles. Do not forget to check the rent trends in Boston so you’ll also be aware of the current rental fees should you be interested to move to this city. While this may feel overwhelming, you can break down the moving process into a few of these manageable steps that will have you settled in no time.

1. Organize the Move


Moving day can be stressful, even though you’ll probably be excited about getting into your new place. One of the best things you can do to alleviate some of the stress of moving is to get a storage unit before you begin your move.

With apartments, it can be hard to tell exactly how much space you have until you start unloading stuff. You should separate things you absolutely need in your new apartment from things you don’t and make your needs a top priority. That way, if you run out of space during the course of the move, you can always put your excess belongings in storage.

If you’re planning on moving yourself and are renting a moving truck, you should get the truck the day before your move. You’ll have so much going on moving day that the last thing you should be doing is trying to find a moving truck.

2. Have Utilities Installed


Setting up your new home’s utilities is the most important step in the moving process. Before you even furnish each room you want to make sure you have running water and a way to heat and cool your apartment.

Your building may already have a utility provider, so it could just be a matter of paying your an additional amount along with rent that fluctuates based on how much you use per month. However, if you have the chance to choose your own electricity plan, you can work out a contract with a provider that fits your needs. Some other utilities can include internet, cable, and gas.

3. Furnish your New Place


If your new apartment does not come with any furniture or decor you have full creative control to create your dream space. A good place to start is the bedroom because it’s the area of the home that will most embody you. The bed is where you will spend a good portion of your time and that’s why it is important to purchase a quality mattress and bed frame that will last years.

You should liven your room up by adding different colors. Adding color to your room gives it more warmth and energy, which are important when you’re trying to drag yourself out of bed in the morning. Who knew your decor could have such an effect on your morning mood?

After finishing your bedroom, you can move on to your living room where you’ll be doing your relaxing and entertaining. Social media sites like Pinterest can provide you some creative inspiration for the exact aesthetic you are envisioning.

One way to add a personal touch to your living room is with a custom photo blanket from Shutterfly. Fleece blankets are loved for their softness and coziness, and a fleece blanket is a great gift to yourself in honor of your new home. There’s nothing like enveloping yourself in the warmth of a cozy blanket on a cold night while watching a flick or reading a book. It’s that much better when your blanket has a picture of your favorite people on it to provide you with an extra level of warmth that a blanket can’t provide alone.

4. Change your Address


Whenever you move to a new location, it’s important to notify the post office so they can have any mail with your old address on it forwarded to you. Even if you change your address with the main companies you receive mail from, it can take a while for everyone to get used to your new address. If you don’t register your new address with the post office, you’re at the mercy of your old landlord or the new tenants when it comes to getting your mail, and you don’t want to miss anything important.

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