Looking for a career in business? You may need an advanced education. Here are five jobs that require an MBA.

You hear a lot of complaints nowadays about how the economy is in shambles and all college gets you is student loan debt. Although things could always be better, the economy is starting to recover, and college is far from useless. College can still get you places that experience and leadership alone can’t.

There are plenty of jobs out there that still demand some kind of college degree. A lot of specialized jobs require you to have a Master’s degree or more. With that in mind, let’s look at some jobs that require an MBA.

1. Management Consultant

Management consultants are individuals who work with companies to keep their businesses thriving. They help to modernize businesses, keep products relevant, and the manufacturing quick and affordable.

An MBA is not a set-in-stone requirement for this job, but the competition is cutthroat, and you’ll have more trouble getting places without one. The good news is that if you can make it work for you, the business can give you some great intellectual challenges and a high salary.

MBA degree

Those in the middle of the pay range made about $80,000 per year.

2. Investment Fund Manager

The next entry on our list of jobs that require an MBA is an Investment Fund Manager. This job is just what it sounds like. They help people with their investments and try to find them the most profitable investments possible.

You’ll need an MBA, preferably in finance, but the median salary is around $120,000.

There are many places to get a Master’s in finance, but you might look into getting a UAB MBA.

3. Health Services Manager

You should get an MBA in a health-related field to be a health services manager. Again, it’s not necessary, but it helps quite a bit.

Health services managers are not doctors. They may meet the qualifications to be a nurse, but they don’t work as nurses.

Their job is similar to that of a supervisor. They organize and oversee the day-to-day activities of a hospital, clinic, or even just a small group of doctors. Their median salary is over $90,000 per year.

4. Sales Manager

Sales managers deal with marketing and sales. Their job is to determine how and where to market their products, as well as how much the company needs to sell in a given time period.

We can even offer some advice to help you sell more.

They’re also the ones who develop the training programs for new salesmen.

5. IT Director

Technology has become a major part of our lives, and because of this, a lot of companies now have an IT department. IT directors oversee all the other workers in the IT department.

However, they’re more than just managers. IT Directors also need to be able to set up and test new technologies and procedures.

Their median salary is over $100,000 per year.

Jobs that Require an MBA

There are a lot of jobs out there that require an MBA. We’ve mentioned only a few of the above, so feel free to do more research on your own if you’re interested.

If you want more advice on various topics, please visit our site. We can even point out some work desks that will help you do your job in comfort.

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