Chronic fatigue syndrome, or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), is a serious illness often characterized by extreme tiredness with no definite cause. It can last for at least six months and can negatively affect a person’s daily life. Chronic fatigue can also lead to serious health problems and even hospitalization if left unmanaged and untreated. 

There are ways you can relieve or prevent chronic fatigue that you can do on your own. This includes managing your diet and sleep and getting regular exercise. But it is important to look at the lifestyle-related factors that could have been causing it, and make adjustments as needed in order for you to adopt a healthier way of living

Here are four reasons that a person’s lifestyle should be adjusted to prevent persistent or ongoing fatigue. 

1. Insomniac  

Among the symptoms of chronic fatigue is having little to no sleep, of not feeling refreshed even after sleeping. Hence it can be a result of sleeping disorders, like insomnia.  

Insomnia is a common sleep problem where someone is unable to sleep or does not have a consistent and restful sleep cycle. Some of those with this condition wake up amid their sleep and have difficulty going back to sleep. 

It can lead to health problems that can affect physical and mental aspects. The lack of sleep can cause depressed mood and can affect the ability to concentrate. It can also contribute to developing health conditions, like heart problems, hypertension, and diabetes. 

Some of the evident effects of insomnia include chronic fatigue or when a person feels tired, especially during the daytime. To prevent or treat this, it’s important to address sleeping problems with the help of experts. There are available therapy and medications that doctors can prescribe to improve the symptoms of insomnia and manage chronic fatigue as well.

2. Caffeine Intake 

Caffeine is the most common stimulant, which means it stimulates or wakes the brain. It is often found in coffee and other caffeinated beverage. For some, caffeine helps in improving their performance and energy levels throughout the day. 

However, according to studies, excessive caffeine intake disrupts sleeping patterns, which can affect their energy levels by the day. This leads to an endless cycle, where a person becomes reliant on caffeine. It does not allow the body to regulate its energy levels, thus can lead to chronic fatigue. 

Regulate your coffee or caffeine intake. It is important to develop a good sleeping habit to allow the body to regenerate and regain the energy lost throughout the day. Be wary of caffeinated energy drinks, as this can disrupt your system’s normal flow. 

Try to develop a more long-term approach towards improving your energy levels and focus, like adapting healthy habits like exercise and meditation. This way, you are not forcing your brain to grind throughout the day, running on temporary energy boosts, which can be harmful.

3. Night Shifts

From the day a person is born, he/she sleeps at night and wakes by day, developing a natural rhythm. So changing this pattern can certainly disrupt the mind and even your physical body. With this, working night shifts or having later-in-the-day working responsibilities factors into one suffering from chronic fatigue. 

Initially working night shifts can subject the body to major changes. It will disrupt your circadian rhythm, as you will now be at work during the time that you used to rest. This adjustment can also lead to difficulties in achieving restful sleep. You cannot easily sleep deeply in the morning, especially with daylight, as your body is fully aware that it is daytime and it is not your usual sleeping time.

To avoid chronic fatigue and developing other sleep problems, it is important to gradually adjust your body and rhythm prior to working night shifts. It also helps to develop proper sleep hygiene, control your light exposure and monitor your diet. Scheduling your sleep and taking naps during the adjustment period may also be helpful. If you are having long-term sleep problems, seek professional help on how to best manage shifting schedules.

4. Electronics Use

The use of electronic gadgets during the day or night time can be normal. But doing this excessively can impact one’s quality of life. A person’s 24-hour sleep-wake cycle is relative to a person’s exposure to light, particularly sunlight. 

Exposure to electronic devices that emit blue light for long periods of time can keep a person up for longer and disrupt this cycle. The disruption in your sleeping pattern can be causing your chronic fatigue. Lessening the exposure to electronic devices a couple of hours before sleeping can help your body adjust to rest better. 

Limit your screen time throughout the day and night. If using devices for long periods is inevitable, consider using protective eyeglasses, like premium progressive lenses with blue light protection. Setting your devices to the dimmer mode or modifying your room to have dimmer lighting can help you achieve more restful sleep and develop a healthier sleeping pattern. 

Adopt A Healthier Lifestyle

Chronic fatigue can often be caused mainly by an unhealthy lifestyle and other underlying health conditions. Analyze your lifestyle choices and see how it affects your health, wellness, and overall quality of life. 

Develop a better sleeping habit, prioritize rest and have a healthy diet and exercise routine to avoid serious illnesses like chronic fatigue. If you are experiencing more severe symptoms and it is difficult to manage, get professional help from a physician or specialist. 

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