Don’t let the small size of cloves fool you. They are a lot more than a spice to add flavor to various dishes. Their nutritional and natural health benefits are just matchless. Maybe for that reason, cloves are integral to Ayurvedic medicines for centuries. They are not only anti-fungal and anti-bacterial but also packed with antioxidants. More so, they contain minerals, vitamins, fiber, together with being antiseptic and analgesic. In short, cloves are easily among the most powerful herbal substance available in terms of health benefits they provide.

Here are 11 health benefits of cloves

1. Improve Digestion

Improve Digestion

Cloves are known to stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes. For that reason, they are used in meals to help in the digestive process. They are also a good cure of flatulence for preventing gas that collects in the digestive tracts. You can use them to keep away any issue of indigestion.

2. Regulate Blood Sugar

Blood Sugar

Traditionally, cloves have been used as a medicine for diabetes. They are known to match the effects of insulin hormone in the body. As a result, their use can help diabetics regulate the blood sugar levels in the body. You can thus use cloves when your body does not produce insulin in sufficient amount.

3. Kill Bacteria

Kill Bacteria

Several types of research in the past have established anti-bacterial properties of cloves. They come packed with medicinal properties capable of preventing pathogens that infect humans. For centuries, clove extracts are used to counter the risks of bacteria in the body and stop diseases.

4. Effective in Cancer

Effective in Cancer

You should not feel surprised to know that cloves come with anti-carcinogenic properties. They can protect the body by preventing the growth of cells, therefore, proving effective in fighting off dangers of cancer. In fact, studies have already shown how this tiny yet powerful spice stopped the growth of cancer cells in the liver.

5. Superior Immune System

Superior Immune System

For years, cloves have been used in Ayurvedic medicine to develop the immune system of the body. They have vital elements helpful in stimulating the production of white blood cells. And when the body produces these cells more, its defense against infections gets fortified. This is how the risks of bacterial infections are brought down considerably.

6. Relieve Stress

Relieve Stress

The use of cloves against fighting stress and anxiety is nothing new. They can keep the nerves calm or have calming effects to relieve stress. This is how stress-regulating hormone is produced more in the body and the mood is lifted. In fact, cloves can also be used to make nerve-soothing or anxiety-reducing aromatic tea.

7. Good for Wounds

Good for Wounds

For ages, people have been using cloves to treat wounds of various severity levels. Since they are analgesic and antiseptic in nature, you can use them for treating bruises and scrapes. In fact, it’s common to use cloves to treat swellings given their potent anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Youthful Skin

Youthful Skin

Cloves are rich in antioxidants which makes them a right medicine for getting a youthful skin. They are very helpful in fighting off effects of harmful radicals and restore freshness to the skin. With radicals gone, the risk of getting premature wrinkles will be gone too making your skin look and feel healthy and young forever.

9. Treat Acne

Treat Acne

When it comes to reducing acne or pimples on the skin, cloves emerge the best home remedy option. Their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties not only keep away dirt and bacteria from the kin but also reduce the redness and swelling arising in such cases. Cloves are best for your skin and you should use them regularly.

10. Treat a toothache

Treat a toothache

Cloves are used to treat a toothache, although temporarily. They can alleviate the tooth pain when you place them raw on the sore tooth or gums. Some people also like to dab a bit of clove oil on a cotton ball before placing them on the troubled tooth. Even if may not relieve the pain completely, you can trust it to kill any infection there for sure.

11. Oral health

oral health

Cloves are helpful for minimizing risks of gum diseases such as gingivitis. They can prevent the growth of bacteria and may work as a pain-killer for a toothache. But yes, visit a top dentist bayside for proper treatment of your oral issues.

Author Bio:-

Praveen Singh is a writer and blogger, and a professional interested in sharing interesting ideas with the world. His blogs give a peek into things that aim to inform, enrich and entertain the readers. He loves sharing views on anything that provides value to the readers and helps broaden their horizon.


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