If you love kratom, but you hate its bitter taste, know that you are not alone. Thankfully, there are plenty of solutions.

Making kratom tea available at https://kratomkrush.com/kratom-tea-guide/ is one of the best ways to cut the bitterness without reducing the herb’s effectiveness. Basic kratom tea consists of only kratom powder and hot water, but plenty of delicious kratom recipes do a better job of cutting the taste. Some of them even contain kratom potentiators that intensify the herb’s effects.

Check out the ten recipes below to get ideas of how to improve upon basic kratom tea and turn it into something truly delicious.

1. Basic Kratom Tea

Before going into fancier recipes, let’s start with the basics. All it takes to make kratom tea is water, a tea kettle, and your favorite kratom powder strain. Just put your powder in a mug, then heat water up to a simmer. It doesn’t need to be boiling. Pour the hot water over your kratom powder, then let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, and you’re done.

2. Lemon and Honey Kratom Tea

The advantages of brewing lemon-ginger kratom tea are twofold. First, the lemon and added sweeteners significantly offset kratom’s bitter taste. Second, since citrus is a potentiator, you’ll also get more bang for your buck. For maximum effect, add the juice from one fresh lemon. If you don’t have any on hand, you can also use pre-packaged lemon juice.

3. Lemon-Ginger Kratom Tea

If you want to add some extra flavor to your lemon and honey kratom tea, ginger is just the thing. You can add up to one thumb of fresh ginger in a tea ball or add ginger extract. Either way, you’ll get both the beneficial effects of kratom and the stomach-calming and anti-inflammatory effects of ginger. This recipe is perfect for those who have trouble with nausea after consuming kratom.

4. Kratom Mint Tea

Mint tea is already relatively healthy on its own. Both spearmint and peppermint can help to relieve indigestion and promote healthy cholesterol levels. Spearmint may also help to regulate hormone production. Plus, mint tastes good, and it’s easy to grow, so you can keep some in a window box and harvest it fresh whenever you want.

Combine those holistic benefits of mint with the incredible power of kratom, and you’ll have a tea that’s both delicious and beneficial to your wellbeing. You can use fresh or dried mint leaves or even a store-bought tea bag to make this recipe. Many people find that kratom mint tea tastes just fine by itself. If you have a sweet tooth, you can also add honey or other sweeteners.

Kratom Tea

5. Chamomile Kratom Tea

Like lemon, chamomile is a powerful kratom potentiator. It’s also widely recognized as a natural remedy in its own right. When combined with red vein kratom, chamomile tea makes a perfect bedtime treat. Just brew your kratom tea as usual, but add your chamomile simultaneously as your kratom powder.

You can use either pre-packaged chamomile tea bags or around one teaspoon of dried flowers. Chamomile grows wild in many parts of the US, so if you’re feeling adventurous, try wildcrafting and drying your own. If you want to sweeten the deal, add some honey according to taste.

6. Kratom Yerba Mate

People often think of yerba mate as a replacement for coffee, but it’s tea. Yerba mate contains some caffeine, so this drink is best brewed with white vein kratom and served in the morning. You can even use it to replace coffee. Unlike the other teas described above, the best way to make kratom yerba mate is in a French press.

Add your kratom and yerba mate leaves to the bottom of the French press with a few drops of cold water. Heat water to a gentle simmer over a stove or in an electric kettle, then pour it in. Let the mix sit for at least five minutes before pressing down the plunger to get a delicious, pre-strained kratom yerba mate, add your favorite sweetener, and enjoy.

7. Vegan Kratom Latte

No list of kratom-infused beverages would be complete without a kratom latte recipe. You might assume that you can only make lattes with coffee, but thankfully, that’s not the case. This vegan kratom latte contains no caffeine, but it could still give you a nice energy boost if you get your dosage right.

If you already have a latte machine, all you’ll need is:

  • ¼ c hot, but not boiling, water
  • 1 c hot cashew or other nut milk
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • Your daily dose of kratom

To get it just right, make your kratom tea, as usual, add sugar, and then froth the hot milk in a separate cup. Pour the frothed milk on top, and enjoy.

8. Kratom Masala Chai

Kratom Tea

Chai tea may taste fancy, but you can make it with things you probably already have in your kitchen. You can make this delicious spiced Indian-style tea with either regular milk or nut milk.

Aside from kratom, milk, and hot water, you’ll also need:

  • Fresh or powdered ginger
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp clove
  • ¼ tsp anise

Add your herbs and spices to ¼ liter of water and bring the mix to a boil. When it reaches a full boil, add ¼ liter of milk. Allow the mixture to come to a rolling boil again, then turn down the heat. Once it’s at no more than a simmer, add your kratom and leave it on the heat for 20 minutes. Strain everything out when it cools off enough, then pour and enjoy.

9. Fall Spice Kratom Tea

Want to celebrate the season in style? You can add all the same spices you love in coffee to kratom tea. Try pumpkin pie spice or any component ingredients, such as cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and ginger. Sweeten the deal with maple syrup, and you’ll be ready to enjoy your fall-themed kratom tea.

10. Kratom Beetroot Tea

If you’re looking for something a little more interesting, this is the recipe for you. This unique mix of beetroot and kratom is best reserved for daytime use. Beetroot powder contains nitrates, which may give you an extra energy boost on top of the kratom powder.

Some users also believe that beetroot may be a kratom potentiator, so if you don’t mind this tea’s unusual taste, you’re in for a real treat. In addition to beetroot powder, you can also add sweeteners, spices, or even vanilla extract.

Can You Cook With Kratom?

If your problem is with tea, more generally, you may want to know that you can also cook with kratom. Cooking with kratom can reduce its potency, so you may need to adjust your doses. Start with your regular dose, then increase it slowly as needed until you reach maximum efficacy.

Where to Buy Kratom Powder for Tea

Where you buy your kratom makes all the difference. Don’t buy kratom from any gas station or head shop. Instead, you should look for an online vendor that guarantees potency and purity by lab testing all its products. It’s the best way to ensure that you get all of the plant’s unique benefits when you brew your favorite kratom tea recipes.

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