Hard money loans are usually referred to as the bridge loans and are a type of financing typically used in hard asset business (real estate).

One of the most common questions people ask when they get interested in opening their own hard money company is; do banks loan hard money? And the answer is no. 

Hard money lenders are usually private individuals or companies. And with this type of asset-based loan, the property itself is used as a guarantee. 

This kind of funding is quicker and with a good a thorough executed plan you can open your own company and not risk much. The key is in finding good hard money lenders and a carefully thought-through plan. 

Find Hard Money Lenders

money lenders

You decided that hard money financing is the best option for you. Now you have to find the right lender. This can, for some, be somewhat challenging. After all, you want hard money lenders that are going to be trustworthy, serious and reliable. 

A company just like that is Californian Lending Bee which you can find on hardmoneylenders.finance. Not only are they quick and reliable, but they also offer professional free advice. They will loan from $100,000  up to $15 million. They also offer cost-efficient programs and no credit scores are required. They are a direct lender which will certainly give you peace of mind.  

There is a company that offers to finance in 45 states and that is RCN Capital. They offer loans for residential and mixed-use properties. They charge only interest on your balance, not the total loan. Also, they don’t require early repayment which can save you money if you manage to sell your investment property quickly. 

Then you have another great company, Patch of Land which is a real estate crowdfunding site. They connect borrowers and lenders. The process is very fast and the interest rates are low. They also have a fantastic and dedicated customer service team that guides all of their applicants through everything. 

There is a website National Real Estate Investor Association that can provide you with referrals and where people share their experiences with certain lenders. 

What’s Next?


After you’ve found your ideal lender it’s time to meet with a lawyer. You should find a lawyer that is an expert in business and real estate. Your attorney will walk you through all the legal matters from the appropriate state of incorporation, tax issues, licensing and other legal issues. 

You can also consider purchasing a planning software and draft your business plan and underwriting criteria based on the types of loans you are going to make. 

Try developing loan to value parameters, minimum and maximum amounts of investment, interest rates, payback periods, property types and so on. 

This is a process and your business plan if crafted carefully can take you a long way. Not to mention it will keep you focused and on track. 

You can also put up together your financial projections. You can do that by developing a balance sheet, income, cash flow, profit, and loss statements, and you can project a monthly and annual income based on different types of expenses. 

Also when you get the loan make sure you find your sweet spot in order for you to make the most out of it.

Stay Focused With Marketing


The importance of brand name cannot be stressed enough! Your brand name is going to represent you at all times. Your brand name makes you stand out and generally, your brand image can help your business grow quickly. So take your time choosing the right type of brand name for your company. 

Also, stay focused on marketing. Make sure you are very specific in advertising and marketing. Make sure you stand behind everything you say and create an attractive brand image. 

When we say you need to be specific we mean that usually, companies that are for everything and that are very wide don’t do as well as more narrowed companies.

Also when you find the perfect brand name you should obtain a corporate address, phone, and fax number. Buy your domain name and set up a create a website to launch your business. 

Don’t shy away from professional web developers, graphic designers and so on. You want your site to represent your company and to be done professionally and with attention to detail. 

Your brand name and brand image will also help you determine what kind of site you want for yourself. What type of social media campaign you want and what’s the best approach for your company. There are plenty of marketing agencies that offer multiple services and even free consultations. 

Be Transparent


Transparency is very important these days. People sooner or later figure out when they are being toyed with and don’t like that at all. So strive for transparency. Make sure your brand and your company are for real people. 

Real people want to see where your business is located, what exactly do you offer for them, they want to know your company phone number in case they want to contact you, also the email address of your company.

LinkedIn is a great platform where you can briefly but informatively state what your company does, why it stands out from the crowd, what services you offer and so on. It is also a great platform for B2B services and it can also connect you with potential employees and customers.  

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring

Remember to invest in yourself. Investing in yourself is also investing in your business because leadership is the road to success. 

So don’t hesitate to take some leadership classes or something similar. There are plenty of online platforms like Udemy or Skillshare that offer plenty of different courses. 

The way you spend your free time can be of the most importance. Why? Because if you spend time reading the right books, attending relevant seminars if you watch videos that will help you master the disciplines you need you are on a good road to making yourself a competent professional in your field. 


Shot of group of successful young businesspeople holding up their right hands on coworking place.

Hopefully, this article has given you a deeper insight into how you can start your company with hard money loans. Also, we hope you found out relevant information about different aspects of hard money loans and the basics of launching a company. 

We wish you the very best of luck in your future endeavors!

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