Cloudera is one of the most significant renovations in the World of business. Web hosting is publishing of website upon a server so that people can view it. If a person wants to post his website he needs to do an agreement with the web hosting services. Today there are many web hosting services which can allow you free access for some time, but they charge afterward. There are two significant types of web hosting services Dedicated Server Hosting and Cloud Hosting. Due to the increased significance of cloud hosting many people consider this era as the cloud era.

Cloud hosting

Cloud hosting

Cloud hosting is more like an IT-based system in this hosting a person needs to operate on the computer and both the entities have to work together for significant benefits. In Cloud hosting more than a hundred servers link with each other to make one big server often known as a cloud. Cloud hosting is a new modulation in hosting services and is cheaper than Dedicated server hosting. It is better technologically, but there are some disadvantages which give dedicated server hosting the upper hand.


Cloud hosting may be well improvised and better with all the functions, but it may provide you with some security issues. The developers regularly fix and fight against all the risks, but due to the easy access provided by this service, there is always a red alert.

Though the developers do promise better portability, there is always some issues concerned when the services are shifted from one vendor to another.

A user is not in control of the service. The function is controlled and managed by the providers. A user can’t control the bandwidth, the update of the services and its infrastructure. Though the advantages of cloud hosting overwhelm the disadvantages still some prominent organizations opt for dedicated server hosting.

Dedicated Server Hosting

dedicated server hosting

Dedicated server hosting is a traditional hosting service in which providers allocate a server to an individual customer. Dedicated server hosting is much expensive than cloud hosting as a person gets to own a server for himself and this server cannot provide such access as compared to cloud hosting where servers are linked with each other.

There is no hope for improvement in the dedicated servers, but still many big organizations opt for this server. An organization with significant revenues can afford the dedicated servers and can take advantage of better speed and reliability. As this service allocates a server for an individual than high speed and better reliability is guaranteed. Prominent organizations have crucial data which needs to be secured. Due to less linking with other servers better security is guaranteed.  Managed Dedicated servers in the USA and Europe (NL) – HostiServer are still eye-catching for various organizations in the developed sectors.

The future of dedicated server hosting is at high risk in this cloud era. Cloud hosting is regularly improving while dedicated server hosting is on a constant platform. Today the preference between cloud storage and dedicated hosting varies but with time cloud hosting can get into a better platform.

About the Author:

Barbara Morgan has been writing how-tos, tech articles and more for almost two decades her main focus is UNIX, but she also covers a lot from open source software projects. She is often writing posts for – Managed Hosting in the USA and Europe.

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