If you’ve never considered remedial massage before, you could be missing out. There are many benefits to getting a remedial massage in Melbourne. While any form of massage can calm the nerves and aid relaxation, remedial massage offers even more than other kinds of massage. It’s a manual therapy that aims to treat deep layers of muscles and connective tissue. Areas of tension, immobility, knots or damage can be alleviated with the special action of remedial massage. The ultimate goal is to promote better body function and enhance healing. Continue reading to learn more about remedial massage, including the benefits.

 What is Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage can be described as a hands-on holistic type of massage therapy in which a practitioner will assess, analyze and treat musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. : How is Remedial  Massage Different?

Remedial massage is different than other kinds of massage as it’s more systematic. The first step is to work out what the cause is of musculoskeletal dysfunction is. Next, work begins on the affected muscles, tendons, fascia or ligaments. This manual work aims to lessen pain and tension while increasing flexibility and mobility. Remedial massage in Melbourne is suitable for long-term conditions and chronic pain.

How Much Does Remedial Massage Cost?

The cost of remedial massage in Melbourne will vary according to various factors such as the experience and reputation of the practitioner, the area of Melbourne they practice in, and the number of sessions required, among other factors. To get an accurate idea of pricing, it’s best to call the practitioner you would like to book with and enquire when you make your booking.

What Are the Benefits?

Remedial Massage

There are many benefits to remedial massage in Melbourne, even more so than generic massage. Here are some of the advantages you could enjoy with remedial massage:

Treats Numerous Disorders

Unlike generic massage, remedial massage offers a more targeted approach. Its techniques can be tailored to the specific musculoskeletal disorder a particular patient is experiencing. An initial assessment will indicate any problem areas that an individual treatment plan can then address to bring the patient from pain to healing.

Aids Muscle Recovery

There is a natural muscle recovery process that occurs in the body, and remedial massage therapy promotes this healing. Due to this ability of remedial massage, it’s particularly useful for active people such as athletes who need to recover quickly from injury. Sports activity and strenuous exercise can both cause soft tissues to become impaired, but remedial massage can help to naturally initiate recovery and healing processes in the body.

Boosts Joint Mobility & Flexibility

If you have a chronic condition such as pain in the shoulder or lower back, or if you suffer from sciatica, it might be worth trying remedial massage therapy. Where there is pain there is often reduced movement in the joint, as well as tension. Remedial massage therapists use techniques designed to mobilize and stretch stiff muscles, ease tension and increase ease of circulation. This can assist in increasing joint mobility and flexibility in addition to reducing pain.

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