Whether you sell a few cars yearly or part-time to get cash for cars, or you own a car dealership, putting enough time into creating a good market strategy will help you sell your cars quicker. Automobile lovers won’t know you are there or what you have in offering if you don’t talk or you make speak about it, hence, a wise idea to spend money on putting out some advertising could help you sell off your cars quicker than you currently are, even before potential customers walk through your door.

Get Certified

To aid your market operation and sell your car, you have to do your best and put in an effort to give your customers an assurance that your business is credible or trustworthy, as most car dealers are known for not being as honest as could be. This can be done by getting accreditation and applying to the Business Bureau for accreditation (BBB), an organization with a mission on focusing on advancing marketplace trust. The method of applying for this accreditation differs from state to state, but you may be able to use the accreditation from the BBB if you are accepted, in your marketing materials. The Bureau for Business accreditation has a local directory, and your company will be registered in your local BBB’s directory of businesses with accreditation, and this lets your customers know that you have a commitment to resolve any problems that may arise after the sale.

Traditional Advertising

To help sell your cars faster, you can buy media space in local newspapers and classified listings. According to your budget, you can run ads on local radio stations and even television stations as well. Advertising billboards also meet the eyes of mobile potential customers, so you can rent outdoor advertising billboards. When marketing or advertising to get cash for cars, it is important to know your target audience in relation to the cars you are trying to sell. For example, when trying to sell executive cars, it will be of little point to pay for an ad on a radio station that broadcasts to people within the ages of 16 to 25. To sell your car, you can come up with ads accompanied by special offers such as giving free insurance for one year or a free accessory to go with every sale for a limited period.

Auto Marketplaces

used car

Websites such as Auto Trader, Autovolo.co.uk or Cars.com will give a remarkable increase to your potential customer base and help you sell your cars faster. You can do well to place ads on such websites or in magazines. There is often a willingness in motoring enthusiasts to travel for the right cars and using local marketing may not help you get in touch with such ones. Using such services as magazines and websites to place your ads can effectively help you reach such people and ensure that you make cash for cars.

These services don’t come free as you will still have to pay to place them, but they could help you sell your car faster than the otherwise possible, which allows you to reinvest your money and continue to make cash for cars. Auction sites are also a good marketing idea when you want to sell your cars.


A referral program is a very excellent way to endear more customers to your business and sell your cars. Make a provision for a referral program which rewards your current customers for bringing in potential customers. Incentives such as gifts of cash or replacement of parts and servicing can be put in the offer for those who recommend you to others, be it their friends, family or acquaintances. Make available a brochure that explains your business program and gives it everyone who you sell your car to as this may not close deals but help build trust, credibility and client relationship. The happier your customers are with your services, the bigger the chance of them passing your details to anyone they know is trying to find or buy a new car, especially when they know they’ll possibly get cash for cars or any other incentives in return.



You can also get your car sale business on internet mapping services such as Google Maps and Yahoo! This ensures that when people make searches for car dealers in your area, your company will pop up, giving you a chance to advertise your business and sell your cars. Ensure that you create a website and other pages on social media platforms for your car dealership and that your inventory is updated on a daily basis. When you choose what to post on YouTube, your website or social media pages as regards your business do well to make and put up videos of the cars on sale. You can also attach these videos to the mails you send to your prospective customers. A blog is another fine way to get a good relationship with potential customers and sell your car. When you engage an active blog, the reader gets a vivid picture of whom they’ll be dealing with, and this helps build their trust in you.

Test-drive Incentive

To market and sell your cars quickly you can attract people into your showroom, by running an incentive. Set up a competition and ensure that it enables anyone that comes in for a test drive to automatically enter for it. Put something as a prize offer, either a car accessory, expensive emergency auto kit or a vacation. You can also offer coupons for a free car wash and wax at a local car wash after a test drive. Advertise these offers on your social media platforms, website or traditional marketing mediums. While initiating or running any such competition, be sure to have a good number of qualified staff that will take customers out and make sure potential buyers have their driver’s license before letting them get behind your car wheel. Such an incentive will give you a good position in the market, and you will stand a higher chance of making cash for cars.

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