Deciding where you want to earn your college degree may seem overwhelming. There are so many choices that even narrowing down your list can be a challenge. Fortunately, once you start thinking objectively about the things that are important to you, you will find the decision a little easier to make. Choosing a college isn’t something you should rush into, but that is a mistake many people make. They may have their heart set on going with a boyfriend or girlfriend or have the idea that they will end up in an exotic location. Once reality sets in, whether through a breakup or taking a hard look at expenses, they are left scrambling to make their choice. Starting your selection process early allows you to explore a range of options and make a decision without feeling rushed. Regardless of whether or not you make the best choice for your situation, taking the time for thoughtful consideration will help you feel better about where you go.

What Do You Want to Study?

In some cases, knowing what you want to major in can narrow down your choice. Many degree programs are widely available, but others are not. If you do choose a major that is not available in your state, check if the school you are considering offers in-state tuition for students in that major from other states. It’s a common program and allows you to earn a degree in your field of interest without paying out of state tuition. If your degree choice is widely available, you can still use it to narrow down your choices. Check the strength of the program in each school you are interested in attending. Review the classes offered, qualifications of the professors, and look for reviews online. The quality of degree programs can vary greatly even among well-respected schools.


Money Matters

Money shouldn’t be your only consideration when making your choice, but it will probably be a factor. It can be difficult to compare costs early in the game because one school that has more expensive tuition may offer more financial aid, while a seemingly less expensive option may not be able to match that level of support. Applying and being accepted tallows you to review the financial aid package they offer. Be sure you complete the FAFSA so there is no hold up with compiling this information. Once you know how much each school will provide in financial aid, you can look for ways to cover the balance. You can take out student loans through a private lender to pay for tuition and other education-related expenses. These loans have competitive interest rates and a simple application process.

How Far from Home Do You Want to Go?

It is easy to think of leaving your comfort zone and attending school on the other side of the country, but that comes with a very real cost. Even if you don’t plan on popping home every weekend to visit, you will probably make trips over Thanksgiving and both winter and spring break. Also, you have to get there in the fall and come home in the spring. These trips add up quickly if you are traveling a long distance.

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