We all know someone who loves their cat more than they most likely love themselves. Crazy cat lady or devoted cat mom, this person is happiest when they know that their feline companion is happy. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that you’d want to factor their cat parenting into your gift-giving decision when a special occasion arises. Fortunately, this will make your goal much easier to accomplish—there are countless gift options for cat moms on the market today.

Gifts That Include Their Fur Baby


Because your friend or their loved one loves their cat so intensely, it makes sense that your gift might be something that includes their furry friend directly. For example, you might know that they’ve been eyeing cardboard cat homes as a way to create an even more cat-friendly space than they’ve already made. By surprising them with one of these cardboard cat houses, you’ll ensure that your gift will be well-received. After all, since they love their cat more than anything, they’ll love any present that has their “child” purring.

Gifts That Make Them A Better Pet Parent


If you would prefer to get your friend a gift that they can enjoy directly rather than enjoying it through their pet, consider finding an option that will help them to become a better pet parent. For instance, if your friend deals with an overactive mind, trouble sleeping, or other ailments that affect their overall wellness, consider taking advantage of a NuLeaf naturals coupon and introducing them to the benefits of CBD. Of course, you don’t want to incorporate CBD in your gift if you’re not sure if they can use CBD products, especially if they’re on prescription medication or have medical conditions otherwise. Nevertheless, if you’re confident they’ll be able to use and enjoy it, CBD oil or other cannabinoids offer a creative gift that they’ll enjoy—and their cat will enjoy its aftereffects. You’ll find CBD in capsules tinctures, oils, and other formats, so there’s sure to be an option that will work for your recipient.

Gifts That Show Off Their Love For Their Cat


If you took to the internet and search for “gifts for cat moms” or “cat parents,” for a gender-neutral option, you’d undoubtedly find plenty of clothing, jewelry, and coffee mugs displaying some variation of the words “proud cat mom.” Barring the possible risk of your friend already having a certain item, this is almost certainly an excellent gift for your cat parent friend. As their friend, you know how much their cat means to them, but the average person on the street wouldn’t. By arming them with a hoodie or accessory that explains that they’d rather be with their cat than out amongst humans, you’ll help to make that preference clear.

Gifts That Help Them, Bond, With Their Pet


We’ve considered gifts that are targeted more so at the pet and those that focus on the cat owner themself. However, you can have the best of both worlds, so to speak, by choosing a gift that allows them to spend time together. Cat toys, for instance, would give your friend the chance to spend time with their cat, unwinding after work or letting out their feline’s excess energy after a quiet day. You can even find plenty of interactive options that are especially focused on giving your friend and their cat plenty of mutual stimulation and entertainment.

When your friend’s defining factor is the role of cat parent, one of your best gift-giving inspirations will be their feline. Whether you find a gift that’s specifically branded “cat mom,” you choose a gift for your friend, their cat, or the both of them, or you just set out to help your friend become an even better pet parent than they already are, a present for your favorite cat mom is sure to please when it references their beloved feline.

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