There are many times in a person’s life when they are in need of specific services and if you are not prepared, you can get into stressful situations. The homeowner has many responsibilities and if you are well prepared, building maintenance is not an issue, and with that in mind, here are some emergency numbers that you need to source and store in your smartphone.

The only time we need a plumber is in an emergency and if you experienced a burst water pipe in the middle of the night, you’ll be glad you pre-sourced a plumber that doesn’t charge extra for outside of normal hours. We hope that you never need an emergency plumber but it is comforting to have their number, should the need arise.

  • Local Locksmith

Find a local auto locksmith that also offers household services and whenever you lock yourself out of your home or car, the expert can gain access without causing any damage. If you decide to change your traditional locks to a keyless access system, your local locksmith can help, while they can also supply and install home security systems at affordable prices. Anything to do with home security is the domain of your local locksmith and if you ever become the victim of a burglar, the locksmith can change all the locks as a precaution.

  • Roofing Contractor

You should have your roof inspected at least once a year and should there ever be any issues, he is the guy to call. It is impossible to see all of your roof from the ground, which is why you need regular roof inspections, and should a missing roof tile go unnoticed, this could lead to serious water damage. The roofer would clean out the guttering, which is an essential task to ensure that excess rainwater has somewhere to go and if you have overhanging trees, the leaves can easily cause a blockage.

  • Electrician

There are times when you will need the help of a qualified electrician; it might be to add a few extra power points or you may have a power issue and require an electrician to pop round. Search for one that does not charge for outside of regular hour calls; they do exist, you just have to find them. You should have your wiring inspected every now and then, as rodents can bite through electric cables, which would likely cause a short circuit. Here are a few home lighting tips that might come in useful.

  • Tree Surgeon

We all love the trees on our property, but they do require regular pruning and shaping and with a qualified arborist at your disposal, you can call whenever your trees need some TLC. The disease is also a big risk and should you notice more deadwood than usual, call in the arborist and let him do a few tests. Heavy storms can cause tree damage and you should check your trees after a bout of bad weather.

  • Drain Cleaner

A blocked drain is no laughing matter and should the worst happen, you’ll be glad you found a drain cleaning specialist in advance. Never try to unblock a drain by yourself, as you are likely to make the problem worse and you still have to call in the professionals. Some homeowners have their drains flushed annually, which pretty much guarantees you won’t experience a blockage.

Domestic Services

  • TV Engineer

If your cable system goes haywire or you lose stations, you can always call in your local TV and aerial He can tune in your receiver and if the reception isn’t so good, he can fix that too. This person might also be able to source telecommunication issues if your phone or broadband needs attention.

  • General Handyman

A jack of all trades is ideal if you need small jobs doing around the house and he is usually less expensive than a tradesman, who charges by the hour. If you would like to find a local handyman, start by asking a few of your neighbors and if they don’t know of any, a social media post would do it. You might be lucky and find a retired tradesman who wishes to earn a few extra dollars, someone who lives nearby would be ideal.

  • Landscape Gardener

Some people hate gardening while others find it relaxing and if you are the former, your local landscape gardener can pay you a visit every week or fortnight and keep the garden neat and tidy. If you fancy having a few garden features, he is your man and he can probably work to your budget.

The Australian government offers lots of information and resources about building maintenance, which can help you to protect your major asset, your home.

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