If you are soon to be leaving school and heading for university or college, choosing a career will be very much on your mind and if you are technically minded, you will be well-suited for a career in something technical. Here are just a few sectors that are in great demand and can offer you a great future.

1. Machine Learning

Machine Learning

The field of AI is the most exciting thing to happen to humanity since the invention of the wheel and with virtually unlimited potential, who knows where we are heading? All you really need is a background in computer science and a good understanding of mathematics to enter into this field and one thing is certain, there will always be a big demand for AI code-writers and technicians. Once the Internet of Things is up and running, AI will be in demand, with systems that are designed to control networks.

2. Technical Logistics

Technical Logistics

The latest generation of technical equipment demands specialized logistics, as with Rhenus High Tech healthcare logistics where essential technical equipment is transported, installed, and calibrated ready for use. Training to become a white glove technician is demanding and you spend a lot of your time learning about new equipment to obtain the essential certification required to work with such equipment. Industries that rely on technical logistics include banking & finance, the healthcare sector, gaming & vending, fitness and well-being, as well as retail. The white glove team is also responsible for data center relocation and electronic asset recovery, which is often required when IT hardware needs replacing.

3. Blockchain Developer

Blockchain Developer

Blockchain technology involves decentralized networking; Bitcoin runs on a blockchain and most governments around the world are using blockchains to store critical citizen data. Ideal for those who love writing code, there are university degree courses that incorporate blockchain and if you are up to it, this offers a great future, as blockchain technology will rapidly become established as a hack-proof way to store valuable data. Experienced blockchain developers command a very high salary and such is the pace of development, you need to be switched on in order to keep up.

4. Robotics Engineer

Robotics Engineer

The future of manufacturing is robotics, with many factories already employing banks of robots that can work round the clock and never get tired. Of course, this will put a lot of people out of work, and hopefully, there will be other industries that they can move into. If you are creative, you could move into the design sector, or you might prefer installation and maintenance, which is always required. Electrical engineering is an obvious benefit if you are looking to become a robotics engineer, while physics and applied math are also part of this sector. Here are a few reasons to pursue a Master’s Degree in engineering, in case you hadn’t thought of that.

5. Drone Development

Drone Development

Drones are the future for logistics and quite possibly passenger travel, which means there will be a huge demand for people who can design, build and operate drones for many different tasks. You may have already seen a few video clips of people-carrying drones; indeed, the logistics giant Amazon is already using drones to deliver products in some US states. Everything is hi-tech, with a vehicle that contains all the cargo and half a dozen delivery drones, which are released when the driver parks up and each drone carries out its delivery before returning to the mother ship. This is likely to develop further, with flocks of drones that depart and return to mega warehouses and when the drone arrives at the customer’s address, they are notified via an app and can be ready to receive the shipment.

6. EV Technician

EV Technician

Electric vehicles are already being rolled out of auto factories around the world and governments are expected to levy high taxes on internal combustion engine vehicles, encouraging motorists to make the switch to EVs. Rather than learning about engines, you will be working with electric motors and batteries and it will feel great to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Whether building EVs or servicing them, there will be a great demand for EV technicians, which is an ideal career for people who like working with their hands. Click here for UK government advice when looking for a suitable career.

Things are changing fast and the best industries to move into are those that incorporate the latest technology, some of which are listed above. Once you have made up your mind, you can study core subjects that are relative to your chosen path and get the required qualifications to get you in at the entry-level. It is much better to plan for your future and if you are technically minded, there are no limits to what you can do.

Read More: Career Guide: Is Data Analyst a Good Career?

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