If you run a large company, the amount of energy you use on a day-to-day basis can be enormous. Whether it’s because of people leaving lights on or forgetting to turn off equipment that’s not in use, there are lots of tips that you can take on board to decrease your energy consumption, meaning you won’t get a nasty surprise once your energy bill comes in. To help, here are five useful energy-saving tips for large businesses.

Get an Energy Audit

As the owner of a large business, trying to oversee every aspect of your company can be challenging. If you’ve noticed a hike in your energy bill, it’s only natural that you will want to do all that you can to reduce energy consumption in the workplace. To identify any causes for concern, why not get an energy audit done? Hiring an energy audit company to visit your premises can be a great way to determine whether you’re using energy efficiently.

Buy Energy Efficient Devices

While the cost of energy-efficient devices may put you off initially, over time, they will save you money in the long run. If you have an office, for instance, you may want to consider ditching computers in favor of laptops. The latter is known to be more energy efficient as it can run for a long time of battery power. Also, if you have any old devices that are being used, they may require more energy to run, so as the saying goes, out with the old and in with the new, especially if you want to cut down on your energy bill.

Switch Off Equipment

If you have lots of employees working under one roof, it can be all too easy to forget to switch off equipment that’s not in use. While you may not see this as too much of a problem, equipment that’s in standby mode can be costly in the long run. Make sure to drill into employees the importance of switching off any equipment that’s not in use.

Use Energy Saving Features

Many modern devices used in the workplace come with energy-saving features that can save you tons of money each month. Educating your workforce on the energy-saving features of microwaves, printers, laptops, and air conditioners can make a huge difference in your energy bill.

Find the Best Supplier

Like with any business, you will want to find the best supplier on the market for your gas and electricity. For a large business, you may want to consider visiting Utility Bidder – they work with the best energy suppliers in the country to find you the best price for your business. You may be surprised at how much you can save annually on your energy bill when switching to a different supplier.

Getting an energy audit to help you keep track of your business’s energy consumption, buying energy-efficient devices, switching off equipment that’s not in use, as well as finding the best energy supplier on the market is just a few useful energy-saving tips for large businesses.

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