Selecting a Bird Cage Stand for your bird is one of the crucial decisions in life. You need to choose the first type of pet that would suit your lifestyle, and whether or not you will be able to do justice to the new companion, it’s a long-term commitment and requires quite a bit of preparation. If you are getting a bird, then you have made an excellent choice. Although birds are generally low-maintenance pets, you would have to put in a considerable amount of effort to make sure that the feathered companion is happy and contended in his new home. An essential part of the preparations is purchasing and setting up a new bird cage before bringing in the new member. Here are five tips for you to set up the perfect bird cage:

Perfect Bird Cage

Size of the Cage

The first and most important factor for consideration is, of course, the size. Your bird’s comfort and well-being will depend on the kind of cage you choose, so it’s crucial that it is appropriately sized. Small birds can do with smaller spaces, but it is best to get your bird the largest case possible. If you keep your feathered companion in a cage too small, the bird may develop undesirable behaviors such as biting, feather plucking, etc. A useful tip for choosing the right-sized cage is making sure that your bird can easily walk around and extend & flap her wings.

Bar Spacing

Bird Cage

The next important factor is bar spacing. For small birds such as parakeets and lovebirds choose a cage that has a maximum distance of 0.5 inches between consecutive bars since you don’t want your feathered companion to get stuck or squeeze through the bars. Similarly, if you have any four-legged pets around the house than it would help keep your bird safe in case, they decide to explore inside the cage.


Birds are almost always on their feet so providing perches of varying shapes and sizes is essential. Your bird’s feet will benefit from the exercise of adjusting to different widths; this will also help keep the joints flexible. Rope perches are an excellent option since they are quite flexible, sisal and pedi perches are also good choices.


Perfect Birds

You wouldn’t want for your pet to get bored, would you! So don’t forget to buy a couple of interesting and brain stimulating toys. Don’t put them up in the cage all at once, instead, keep rotating the toys every few weeks to keep your pet bird excited. Can’t think of what to choose for your birdie? Well, take inspiration from what the birds like to do in the wild? For instance, female parrots have an instinct for chewing, so toys that are good for chewing and shredding are a great option. Popular choices include bells, swings, ladders, ropes, and quality play stands are also a favorite among birdies.


Some veterinarians are of the opinion that the design of the cage can have a significant impact on the bird’s well-being; therefore, they recommend purchasing angled cages. These can be safely hung anywhere, or you can buy a quality cage stand to place them on. Another disadvantage of buying a dome-shaped cage is the availability of limited space inside the cage to your bird.

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