It is expected that by 2028, more than 1.9 million healthcare jobs will be added to the market, making it an excellent choice of study.

With large populations of aging people and higher demands for healthcare services, more jobs in this industry will need to be filled.

If you aren’t sure what you want to do in the healthcare industry, there are several options to consider.

Continue reading to discover some of the best healthcare management jobs that will allow you to help others!

1. Hospital Administrator 

If you are looking into healthcare management jobs, hospital administration is an excellent place to start.

As a hospital administrator, you will help direct and manage medical services for patients. The main priorities are efficiency, profitability, and quality of hospital services. You can easily make more than $100,000 by getting this job. Check out this healthcare training school to see if it’s a good fit for you!

2. Office Manager

Working at a medical practice as a manager can be a fulfilling job with excellent pay and opportunity for advancement.

As a medical practice manager, you will be in charge of payroll and bookkeeping, along with managing employees. This job requires the ability to look at the larger picture and make sure that the office is running as best as it can.

There are many private practices that you can look into working at. If you have office management experience, this is a perfect choice to consider.

3. Consultant


If you feel that you have a strong knowledge base of the medical industry and how an office runs, becoming a consultant may be a good idea.

Health care consultants do a variety of tasks that involve making operations and employees better. They can work directly with a company, or with several. As a consultant, you will work alongside human resources teams and management.

This is the perfect job if you are someone that likes to find better ways of doing things and teaching others.

4. CEO of a Hospital

For those of you that like to shoot for the stars, becoming a hospital CEO is an excellent way to get in the industry and make an impact.

CEO’s are chief executive officers, they are responsible for the entire company, both large and small picture. As a CEO you must be able to delegate tasks, lead others, and make difficult business decisions.

Since this job requires so much experience and skill, it pays among the highest of healthcare jobs. Depending on how efficient and profitable you make your hospital, you can make nearly $200,000  a year.

5. Nursing Officer

A chief nursing officer is a highly respected job in the medical industry. Many hospitals also call this person a director of nursing.

As the chief nursing officer, you will oversee and run entire nursing floors and departments. This is a high paying job that comes with a high level of responsibility. If you feel that you know the ins and outs of running a nursing team, this is the career for you.

Have You Considered These Healthcare Management Jobs? 

There are many healthcare management jobs that you can get with a degree, that are all rewarding.

Healthcare management careers are among the highest paying jobs in the world. Although the check is great, these jobs can also become overwhelming if you don’t have the experience.

As you gain experience and knowledge, you can determine which path is right for you.

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about the healthcare industry and how you can make it your future!

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