MRE Meals is the acronym for Meals Ready To Eat and they are gaining in popularity and acceptance across thousands of people. They are regularly being used for the past many years in the military and today it also is becoming extensively used by the civilian population. There are obviously many reasons as to why it is being done across the world. If the MRE meals are good enough for the U.S. military it most certainly will be good enough for civilians. But the challenge is that MREs packs are not available for commercial resale to the public. But this has not stopped from quite a few MRE meals finding their way into the online stores for resale to the retail customers. There are many instances where the excess supplies are being pushed out by the military for civil use. Whenever there is a demand for such stuff people certainly will buy it under all circumstances.

Civilian Versions Are Also Available

The world of MRE meals has certainly grown with times and today we have what is also known as XMRE meals. This is because the military and the government of the day are not blind to the increasing demand for these ready to eat meals. Hence, it is quite obvious that we also would come across a number of instances where you could get civilian versions of MRE meals and also XMRE meals. What exactly is the difference between the two? In terms of objective and goals, they are the same but there are some obvious differences in terms of calories. The XMRE variants are more versatile and they offer a calorie count ranging from 1000 to 3000 and therefore it could be used for various purposes.

What Is The Difference Between Civilian And Military MREs

There are some differences between the military MREs and civilian MREs. The former go through very tough and stringent quality testing both for the foods and also the quality requirements. The packing, in particular, is very tough because these foods are regularly parachute dropped. Further, they also have to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations. In case you do not need parachute dropping of food or if you are not subjecting the food to violent fluctuation in temperature, then you have many reasons to go in for the civilian variety. The civilian variety is also very cheap and therefore it is affordable.

Why Civilian Versions Are Good


Civilian versions are very much in demand perhaps because they could be the best choice for all those who are into adventure trip and other such trips which keep them away from home for quite a few days. Many of these adventure trips often cut you off from civilization and the modern day facilities. You cannot, therefore, expect to carry regular cooked food. These MRI foods, therefore, come in very handy. They are well cooked and they help you to have the right kind of calories to sustain you when you are in hostile conditions with temperatures which could be either too hot or too cold. They offer the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, essential vitamins, and minerals and of course fluid and water.

They are also easy to unpack and eat and since they are one-meal packs, you can eat them and dispose of them quite easily. They are tasty and they come in different varieties and therefore you can be sure that you can get your stomach filled with this high quality and highly nutritious food items. Since they are made with special packing and other techniques you can be sure that the food will last for many years and they will continue to remain fresh at all points of time.

Where To Buy Them

You have many options to choose from when it comes to buying these food packets. Many military canteens and other such outlets also sell military-grade XMRE meals and you could try them out. On the other hand, you also could come across many online outlets which stock and sell civilian quality MRE meals. They are cheaper and you could choose the number of calories taking into account your specific needs. It could range from anything from 1000 calories to 2000 calories depending on the kind of lifestyle that you are leading.

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