As soon as you realize you have a pest problem you need to contact your local pest control company. It doesn’t matter if you have a full-blown infestation or just the odd pest if left it will become a bigger problem.

However, what many people don’t realize is that you can make it easier for your local exterminator, all you have to do is prepare your home for them. This will make their visit more focused and help to ensure the pests are eliminated as quickly as possible.

Note Your Pests

It’s important to make a note of every place where you’ve seen a pest and whether you’ve seen more than one type of pest. This will help the professionals locate where the infestation is and how the pest control wolverhampton is getting in and out of your home. They will then be able to block access and ensure they have eliminated all the issues, even if you’re dealing with more than one type of pest.


Food crumbs and other food waste is attractive to pests, there is little point in eliminating the pests if you’re home is simply inviting more in. Before the professionals arrive to scrub your house from top to bottom.

It’s also a good idea to look around your home and seal up any visible gaps. This will help to prevent pests from coming in while the professionals are doing their job.

As part of cleaning up you should place all food items inside plastic containers, this will keep them fresh and away from the pests, depriving them of their food source.

Tidy The Rooms

If you want to prepare your home for pest control professionals then you should move all furniture away from all the walls. This will give your exterminator plenty of room to work and find the source of your issues. It’s a lot harder to track pests if the experts can’t get to the access points.

It’s also a good idea to look around your home and remove all unnecessary clutter. This will help your pest control expert to move around your home but it will also deprive the pests of somewhere to hide.

pest control

Deal With Pets

If you have any fish tanks or caged pets you need to cover these over. This will prevent the chemicals used by the professionals from getting into their food supply and causing them health issues.  If possible you can always move the pets out of the home temporarily.

Dogs and other pets should also be kept out of the home on the day the experts are going to visit. This will prevent the insecticides from affecting them.

Go Out

Humans can be affected by the powerful chemicals that an exterminator uses. It’s a good idea to take the day off and leave the experts to do their thing. Being at home means you’ll be in the way. Of course, if you don’t know the experts very well you’ll need or want to be available when they visit. However, your family can still go out, leaving you to deal with the professionals.

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