You should ensure that your technical SEO strategy is without flaws and that your website should perform optimally. Different types of SEO algorithms send crawlers to the website to analyze the HTML code and the structure. Many people avail of technical SEO Audit service for determining the website’s health.

Technical SEO audit is a thorough process that checks a particular site’s technical parts. It also ensures that they are following best practices for SEO. For any technical SEO Audit Checklist, one should check every single part of that particular SEO campaign. It is also crucial to check many factors, such as the content for on-page SEO best practices.

One should also check for all the technical issues that could damage the user experience that largely makes the website function poorly.

People go step-by-step when it comes to an audit checklist. However, when one tracks what issues you find, you should set them aside and address each one properly.

One should follow the below audit checklist guide-

1. Make sure that the content is visible.

One should ensure that the content is visible to the search engines. One should also check their site’s homepage, category page and product page. The content should not only be visible to humans, but it should also be visible to Google bots. These bots make use of a version of Chrome browser to render web pages.

2. Ensure that your tracking is set up.

If the Google Analytics tracking is set up for your website, it is essential to ensure that it is set up and works properly. Check the homepage’s source code, product pages and main category pages. Some CMS handle the page templates differently. Hence, it is a very good idea to check each kind to ensure that the tracking is static and constant.

3. Check your canonicalization.

You should check the source code of your website. The process of telling the search engines which version of any web page is the master version is canonicalization, and one webpage can be visited using multiple kinds of URLs. When a person tries to canonicalize these web pages to one major version, it automatically allows them to inform these search engines that the URLs are on the exact same webpage. A technical Audit Checklist helps you determine the areas where you need improvement.

Technical Seo Checklist(2023)

4. Accessing Google search console.

GSC is an essential tool for auditing the health of your website. The Search console also allows web admins to check indexing status and also optimize their site’s overall visibility to Google. In addition, it will enable you to check for manual actions, server errors and more.

5. Check for indexing issues.

The SEO audit checklist should strictly ensure that the website is not hindered by any issues that could cause it to be not indexed. For example, in GSC, you should select the coverage from the left-hand side menu. It is also very important to note any extreme or recent drops in the number of valid pages.

Because of all these reasons, one uses the Technical SEO audit service.

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